Visions in Death
We're only a few blocks from the shelter. We'll ask Louise about the witch."
    " Sensitivesaren't necessarily witches, just as witches aren't necessarily sensitives. Hey, a glide-cart!"
    "Wait, wait!" Eve pressed a hand to her temple, stared at the sky. "I'm getting a vision. It's you stuffing a soy dog in your mouth."
    "I was going to go for the fruit kabob and perhaps a small, walkaway salad. But now you've put the damn dog in my head and I have to have it."
    "I knew that. Get me some fries, tube of Pepsi."
    "I knew that ," Peabody replied. But she was too happy with the idea she'd actually get lunch to complain about paying for it.

Chapter Four
    It didn't look like a refuge, Eve thought.
    It looked, from the outside at least, like a well-maintained, modest, multiresident building. Middle-income apartments, sans doorman. The casual observer wouldn't note anything special about it, even if he bothered to look.
    And that, Eve reminded herself, was precisely the point. The women and children who fled here didn't want anyone to notice.
    But if you were a cop, you'd probably note and approve of the first-rate security. Full-scan cams, cleverly disguised in the simple trims and moldings. Privacy screens activated at all windows.
    If you were a cop and knew Roarke, you could be certain there were motion pads at every access, with top-of-the-line alarms. Entree would require palm-plate identification, keypad code, and/or clearance from inside. There would be twenty-four-hour security—probably human and droid—and you could bet your ass the entire place would lock down like a vault at any attempt to break in.
    Not just a refuge, but a fortress.
    Dochas, Gaelic for "hope," was as safe—probably safer due to its anonymity—as the White House.
    If she'd known such places existed, would she have fled to one instead of wandering the streets of Dallas, a child broken, traumatized, and lost?
    No. Fear would have sent her running away from hope.
    Even now, knowing better, she felt uneasy stepping up to the door. Alleys were easier, she thought, because you knew there were rats in the dark. You expected them.
    But she reached up to ring the bell.
    Before she could signal, the door opened.
    Dr. Louise Dimatto, that blond bundle of energy, greeted them.
    She wore a pale blue lab coat over a simple black shirt and trousers. Two tiny gold hoops glinted in her left ear, with a third in the right. There were no rings on her competent fingers, and a plain, serviceable wrist unit sat on her left hand.
    Nothing about her screamed money, though she came from big green seas of it.
    She was pretty as a strawberry parfait, classy as a crystal flute of champagne, and a born reformer who lived to fight in the trenches.
    "About damn time." She grabbed Eve's hand and pulled her inside. "I was beginning to think I'd have to call nine-one-one to get you down here. Hi, Peabody. Boy, don't you look great."
    Peabody beamed. "Thanks." After considerable experimentation, she'd found what she liked to think of as her detective look with simple lines, interesting colors, and matching airsneaks or skids.
    "We appreciate you making time," Eve began.
    "Time's constantly being made. My goal is to make enough so there's twenty-six hours per day. That should be just about right. How about a tour?"
    "We need—"
    "Come on ." She kept Eve's hand trapped in hers. "Let me show off a little. Remodeling and rehab are finally complete, though Roarke's given me carte blanche for additional decorating or equipment. The man is now my god."
    "Yeah, he likes that part."
    Louise laughed, and hooked her arms through Eve's on one side and Peabody's on the other. "I don't have to tell you the security is flawless."
    "No security is flawless."
    "Don't be a cop," she complained and gave Eve a little hip check. "We have common rooms down here. Kitchen—and the food's great—dining area, library, a playroom, and what we call the family room."
    Eve could already hear the chatter as

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