Von Gobstopper's Arcade

Von Gobstopper's Arcade by Alexandra Adornetto Page A

Book: Von Gobstopper's Arcade by Alexandra Adornetto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Adornetto
Tags: Fiction
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she said in a tight and formal voice. ‘My name is Ms Tempest Anomali and I am the curator.’ She almost hissed as she emphasised her title. ‘I will be conducting today’s tour and there will be opportunities for questions later. The arcade comprises various levels, each one, as you shall see, dedicated to a special genre of toy or theme. But before we begin our adventure there are some important things you need to know, so I now request your full attention.’
    The rules were few and simple, as Ms Tempest Anomali explained. The arcade was not a museum and interaction with the toys wasinvited. They must, however, behave respectfully at all times, as some of the items on display had travelled a long distance and were priceless. They could not wander away from the group at any time unless told otherwise, and they would be shown which shops it was possible to make purchases from. They must leave all bags and valuables in the cloakroom and the taking of photographs was strictly prohibited. Toys reacted badly to cameras flashing in their faces.
    By the time the curator had finished her speech her expression had relaxed a little. She forced her mouth into a smile but it came out lopsided, as if this was the first time her lips had received such an instruction from her brain. ‘Well, then,’ she said, putting her palms together and inclining her head slightly, ‘are we ready to go inside?’
    She had not anticipated the eager cheer that followed. Her head jerked back and she suddenly looked affronted. But just as quickly her composure returned, along with the smile that looked more like a grimace, and she led the way inside.

Meeting Boi Toi
    I n order to convey to you the extent of the wonders the children were about to experience, I ask you to think about the most spectacular thing you have ever seen. Was it fireworks exploding like sea anemones across a midnight sky on New Year’s Eve? Was it the costumes in a theatre production that were so vivid and lavish they took your breath away? Was it an architectural masterpiece viewed on a cultural tour with your parents? Whatever it was, think of your reaction magnified one hundred times and you may get some idea of how the children felt.
    At first, however, there wasn’t that much tosee—just a vast gallery with a richly coloured mosaic floor, decorative columns and quaint little shopfronts lining either side. Milli and Ernest observed immediately that the different levels within Hog House had been retained, forming tiers that reached upwards towards a domed ceiling made entirely of stained-glass panels that scattered beams of tinted light across the floor. There was a sweeping staircase to one side, and old-fashioned elevators, painted forest green, for those too impatient to climb the stairs.
    The group stopped dutifully to read the arcade directory, which was shaped like an ancient scroll and held up by two brightly painted clay giants.
    Between the giants’ colossal sandalled feet was a map. Milli ignored it and instead tried to look inside the closest shops to determine their contents. At the entrance to one were giant powder puffs acting as revolving doors. It appeared to be a beauty parlour. What was a beauty parlour doing in the middle of a toy arcade, you may ask? Milli wondered the same thing and could only conclude that some of the
    This building is dedicated to childhood with all its dreams and fancies. Take your time in exploring it as every corner holds new surprises and visual delights. I hope that by the time you leave you will have reconnected with old friends and made some new ones.
    Gustav Von Gobstopper
    Basement Level
    Not open to public
    Ground Floor
    Puppet Theatre, Clockworks Hall,
    Toy Shoppe, Tearooms
    Level One
    A Doll’s Life, Toys Through Time
    Level Two
    Teddies and other Furry Friends
    Level Three
    Transport and Construction Toys
    toys availed themselves of such services. Another shop

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