Mage-Level test. I don’t see any results before me, so you obviously lied.”
    The man huffed out a breath and leaned forward, planting his hands on the counter that stood between him and the girl.
    “The only reason I let you leave early is because I thought you would finally become of some use to me. You and that mother of yours keeps touting how powerful you are. I kept you around all these years figuring when you got old enough to put to work as a Charger you’d finally be worth having around. I’ve paid you way more than you are worth for more than three years waiting for you to make me a little money. How do I get repaid? You lose me more than three hours worth of income, you worthless twit. You lied about going to take your test. Now you expect me to keep you here another six months while you wait for your tests, knowing I can’t have you charging crystals until you have passed a mage-level test. You are nothing but a liar. I can find another worthless slum-row kid to work for half of what I pay you.”
    The girl, dressed in clean but worn brown hemp pants and a hem tunic that was similar in color to the dried mud in my hair, turned the color of a radish took and a deep breath.
    “More than I’m worth?” the girl shrieked. “Five bucks a week is more than I’m worth? You pompous…”
    “Uhmmm.” Ian cleared his throat behind me, interrupting the girl and causing the two arguers to turn and stare at them in shock. It was then that I saw the tears running down the girls cheeks. Something in my heart pinched.
    The bald man’s face transformed instantly from nasty condescension to an ingratiating smile. “Good folks. Welcome to Fegley’s Crystals. How may I help you this fine day?”
    I held up my arm, showing my tattoo, my tone brisk and official.
    “I’m Fiona Moon with the Black Blade Guard. I need to speak with Miss Millie Linton.”
    The man hissed at the girl.
    “I knew you were trouble! I can only imagine what wickedness you’ve been up to that has the Blades looking for you.” He turned to me, his smile accommodating and pointed to the girl, “That’s her.”
    I ignored him.
    “Are you Millie?” I asked the girl.
    “Yes,” the girl answered timidly. “Am I in trouble for that man last night?”
    I didn’t want to discuss it in front of this man, I knew the type. Anything said in his presence would be spread through the community in less than an hour.
    “Can you come speak with me outside?”
    The girl nodded and moved toward me, but Ian moved from behind me and stopped her.
    “Just a second Miss Linton. I have some business first.” He turned to the man behind the counter. “You are Mr. Fegley?”
    “I am.” Fegley eyed Ian suspiciously. “And you are?”
    “I am Ian Barroes.” Ian said simply.
    Recognition flashed across Fegley’s face and he gave a slight bow.
    “Master Necromancer. Welcome to my store. How may I be of service?”
    I rolled my eyes at the title.
    “Well, I have just a couple of questions. This girl works for you?”
    “No, sir.” The old man shook his head emphatically. “Well, she did, but I fired her this morn.”
    “I see.” Ian replied, his tone neutral. “But she had worked for you for a while?”
    “Yessir. About three years. Came to work for me when she turned of legal work age. 14.”
    “She isn’t your apprentice? She doesn’t have a contract to work with you and take over your shop when you become infirm?”
    The man looked appalled. “Apprentice a no-good from slum-row? No sir! I have a nephew who will apprentice to take my shop. He’ll be turning fourteen next week and will begin apprenticeship then.”
    I was amazed with Ian’s ability to get this man to talk even if I had no idea why he wanted him to. Though, the little bit about the nephew gave a little insight into Millie’s newly unemployed state. A shop this size couldn’t afford a worker and an apprentice. Fegley had obviously been counting on putting Millie to work

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