
Vostok by Steve Alten

Book: Vostok by Steve Alten Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Alten
Tags: Fiction
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a saltwater species. Vostok’s fresh water. Besides, the pressure would have crushed its lungs long ago.”
    “What about those fossils Ming’s crew dragged out of the crevasse?”
    “There was no epic battle in Vostok millions of years ago; a python that size could never kill a
. I’d wager good money the Crocodylia was already dead when that giant snake found it lying on an Antarctic shoreline and choked attempting to eat it before another predator could claim its prize.”
    “Ming said they traced the ice that held those two creatures back to Vostok.”
    “Translated: the ice sheet dragged it into Vostok and probably across a dozen other subglacial lakes en route to the Amery Ice Shelf. It doesn’t mean the lake was populated with giant crocs and pythons.”
    “Then you think this whole expedition is a waste of time and money?”
    “Not at all. Vostok presents scientists with an incredible opportunity to study what our planet was like during the Miocene. I think there’s a good chance some sort of microbial life has survived. I’m sure the paleo guys will be studying water samples for years.”
    “Be honest, Doc. Why did you
turn down Dr. Liao’s offer?”
    “I thought I made that clear. I don’t want to be away from my family for six months, especially in minus-forty-degree temperatures.”
    “It’s all about that Sargasso Sea incident, isn’t it? In yourmemoir you wrote about nearly drowning to save your cameraman.”
    “My point is you’d think they’d honor that kind of sacrifice. Instead they blamed you for the crewman you didn’t save. What kills me is the same thing is happening to you again, here in Drumnadrochit. The creature was killing people; she was a serious threat to every villager around Loch Ness, not to mention the tourists. You resolved the problem and risked your life doing it and this is how they repay you—by turning you into a recluse?”
    I felt my blood pressure rise, as if Hintzmann’s words had flipped a switch on an internal furnace. “Where’s this going,
    “You and I have a lot in common, Doc. We’ve both made sacrifices. We both answered the call of duty, and now we’re both on the outs. And don’t tell me you always wanted to teach. The man who solved the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster isn’t going to feel satisfied grading papers. Will those challenges fulfill you for the rest of your days, or will you wake up one morning old and gray, wondering what might have been? See, I get what you’re going through—it sucks being the ugly girl at the dance. But that’s no reason to skip the prom, no reason to settle for a life of mediocrity. For a marine biologist, Vostok is the moon landing. Don’t pass it up. The world remembers Neil Armstrong; no one gives a damn about the back-up astronauts who stayed behind.”
    “Are you done, Hintzmann? Or are there a few more metaphors you’d like to recite? No? Well here’s one to mull over as you leave my home: don’t blame the dog after you step in shit.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Give it time. I suspect it’ll come to you.”

    “Fools look to tomorrow. Wise men use tonight
    —Scottish proverb
    The hamlet of Invermoriston lies ten miles south of Drumnadrochit on the A82 roadway at the junction of the A887, which cuts west through some of the lushest woodlands in the Great Glen. Snaking its way east through the forest’s rocky ravines is the mighty River Moriston. Approaching Invermoriston, the waterway churns into rapids and flows over a series of falls before it passes under the two-hundred-year-old Telford Bridge to empty into Loch Ness.
    It was after eight o’clock at night when a Nessie’s Lair mini-van driven by True MacDonald pulled into a scenic lay-by off the A82. In the front passenger seat was my father. In the back seats were Dr. Liao, Dr. Ahmed, and George McFarland, the engineer from Stone Aerospace.
    Red-and-blue strobe

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