Want You Back

Want You Back by Karen Whiddon

Book: Want You Back by Karen Whiddon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Whiddon
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petulant child.
    “I’ve been there twice myself and the work is going fabulously. I told Jake that I would consider it a per sonal favor if he would show you around the place. I know you will love it”
    “Howard, are you crazy?” The words slipped out before she could think about what she was saying, but Jenny had no desire to call them back. She was furious. Howard knew the history behind her and that house. He had no right to ask such a thing of her.
    The waitress took that moment to deliver the oysters. Simmering, Jenny drained her beer, ordering another. For a panicky second she actually considered getting up and walking out, leaving the two men to pay and find their own way home.
    If it weren’t for the fact everyone in the place seemed to be watching her, she would.
    Since she had no choice but to stay, Jake needed to be set straight.
    “Jake.” Clasping her hands tightly in her lap, she tried not to watch as he stabbed an oyster, dipped it in the sauce, and popped it in his mouth. “I think we need to clarify something. It’s—”
    “Here.” While her mouth was partially open, Jake raised the tiny fork, and stuck a plump oyster in her mouth.
    Reflexively, she swallowed, tom between wanting to berate Jake and wanting to savor the unfamiliar delicacy. It had been over a year since she’d tasted oysters, even though they had always been one of her favorite treats.
    Howard coughed, concern warring with outrage on his face. “Are you all right?”
    Jenny let her relief show. Finally, Howard would wake up and put an end to this nonsense.
    Jake, laughing outright, popped another oyster in his mouth. “Oysters aren’t poison, you know. You ought to try them, Howard. They’re great.”
    “I’m fine.” Knowing Jake only wanted to make her react, Jenny tried to sound unperturbed. “Thank you, Jake.” She looked at Howard, trying to gauge his reaction. “That was delicious.”
    Howard opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. He took another sip of his wine and glanced away.
    Any hope Jenny might have had of Howard intervening died a quick death. She glanced at Jake, immediately regretting it.
    “Do you want another?” Blue eyes sparkling, Jake grinned at her, looking so heart-stoppingly sexy that Jenny curled her toes and clenched her hands into fists.
    “Aw, come on.” He coaxed her, leaning closer and holding out a plump oyster on the end of his fork.
    For a moment she felt herself softening. Then remembering, she tore her gaze away. “No, thank you.”
    Howard’s pager went off. He checked it, then excused himself to make a call.
    Great. Conscious of the many assessing glances coming their way from the other restaurant patrons, Jenny lifted her chin. Jake might be a drop-dead, blue-eyed, gorgeous specimen of masculinity, but he meant nothing to her now.
    She considered herself fairly intelligent; she’d always been proud of graduating from East Texas State University in the top ten percent of her class. She’d passed the CPA licensing exam on her first try, with a minimum of studying. She’d started her own CPA firm by herself, with no help from anyone. And she’d turned it into a successful business that made enough money for her to live comfortably.
    In short, she was a successful, professional woman. And not too bad-looking, she thought modestly. Cer tainly capable enough to make it on her own.
    Therefore, it followed that she couldn’t possibly have any feelings left for Jake. After the way he’d treated her, only a fool would. And Jenny knew she wasn’t a fool.
    “So when are you and Howard going to do it?” One brow lifted, Jake popped an oyster in his own mouth.
    About to take a sip of beer, Jenny nearly choked. “Do what?” She could feel her face flaming again.
    Across the room she could see Howard making his way back to their table. She prayed he would hurry.
    “You know, get married?”
    Good Lord, she’d forgotten she’d told him that she and Howard were engaged. She

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