Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1)

Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash

Book: Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Montana Ash
Tags: Fiction
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shaky hand and it was Ryker’s turn to frown. Was she unwell? Beyden, ever the nurturer, must have noticed at the same time he did for he asked;
    “Are you okay?”
    The smile she threw his way, was strained and obviously fake, “I’m fine.” She said, “Just really overwhelmed. It’s been a long day and my head is spinning.”
    “I can imagine. Here, let me get you some water.” He walked briskly to the fridge and filled a glass with the rain water always in supply.
    “Thank you.” Max clutched at the glass with two hands as she drank thirstily. In order to hide the fact that her hands were trembling? Shit! Ryker thought. She probably needed a vitality boost. Glancing around, he noted similar looks of realisation on the faces of his fellow paladins and knew the interrogation was over for now. He may be a jerk, but he was also a knight, and his very DNA demanded he provide for all wardens.
    “You need energy.” He stated.
    Those turquoise eyes of hers still hinted at an inner strength of steel but the bright spark of defiance was much diminished when she raised them to meet his gaze. “I need a good night’s sleep and some time to wrap my head around all this Hogwarts business yawl are spouting.”
    “Yawl?” Lark and Axel questioned simultaneously.
    She shook her head, sending that gorgeous mass of red hair flying messily around her arresting face, “Meh. Focus boys. Sleep first; Harry Potter education later. Can someone give me a lift to the closest motel, please?”
    “No motel.” His words brooked no argument. She wasn’t going anywhere. Like it or not, she was now his responsibility until this whole mess was sorted out.
    “Excuse me?”
    She had reverted back to that ice princess, superior tone of hers. His dick jerked again. Stupid dick! “You heard me. No motel.”
    “So I am a prisoner? I fucking knew it! You’re all a bunch of liars who have lured me out here so you can store my body parts in your freezer for future cannibalistic Sunday roasts.”
    “You’re not a prisoner Max, but you truly are a warden. We haven’t been lying to you and I don’t believe you’ve been lying to us. Please, at least stay the night, eat a decent meal. In the morning we can discuss things in more detail.” Darius responded far more reasonably than Ryker would have done.
    “You really expect me to stay here? Dude, I just met you. I haven’t stayed alive this long by being an idiot.”
    Ryker was so not arguing with the woman. “You’re staying. End of story.” Ah, there was that lovely spark of defiance he had been looking for earlier. Before she could send out another barb Lark jumped in.
    “Max, you’re safe here. Remember what we said in the car? No one here would ever hurt you. Trust your instincts.”
    She appeared to mull over Lark’s earnest words carefully before responding, “One night.” She held up a rather delicate finger. “And one night only.”
    “But don’t you want answers? Don’t you want to finally be safe? Wouldn’t you like to not only understand your abilities, but also control them? We can do that for you. Or at least introduce you to others who can.” Beyden assured her.
    “I’ll tell you what, because you have all been so kind as to disseminate your collective knowledge to me, I will return the favour.”
    “We’re riveted.” Ryker said blandly. The woman obviously had a stubborn streak a mile wide!
    “Great!” She stated chirpily and held her empty right hand palm up. “Look at this hand here. Picture it loaded with all my wants and needs and deep, deep desires.” She then raised her left hand, also palm up, “Now look at this hand, but this time picture it filled with a great big pile of gorilla shit. Now which one do you think I’m likely to get more of?” She moved her hands up and down as though she were balancing an invisible scale and continued, “Because past history dictates that I’m getting the primate turd. So thank you very

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