Wardstone 7 - The Spook's Nightmare
inside. This time the barrel hit a rock on the way down and left the ground briefly, comingdown again with a crash. When it came to a stop, the guards pulled the girl’s body out and threw it down next to the other one.
    I was appalled by what had just happened and my heart was pounding with fear. Was it really possible to wedge yourself in and survive?
    But the third woman to be ‘tested’ was still alive when she reached the bottom of the hill. As two of the yeomen led her away, I could hear her sobbing and gasping. She was clearly hurt, but at least she had survived. So it was possible …
    Adriana turned back to face Alice and me. Her bottom lip was trembling and her former courage had suddenly deserted her; she looked terrified. ‘Can you sense when you’re about to die?’ she asked. ‘Because that’s how I feel now – as if I don’t have long for this world …’
    ‘My master doesn’t believe in that,’ I told her. ‘He doesn’t think anyone can foretell their own death.’
    ‘But I feel it so strongly,’ she sobbed. ‘I sense that it’s coming very soon!’
    I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. ‘You’ll be all right,’ I reassured her. ‘Just wedge yourself into the barrel like you told us.’
    Before she could reply, the guards came for her. She gave us a nervous smile, then went over to the barrel and crawled inside without a word.
    Rap! Tap!
    Now the barrel was on its way down. It was a smooth descent with no bumps. Had she survived? Again there was a sound of splintering wood as they prised off the lid.
    ‘Another live one here! This one’s a witch for sure!’ shouted Stanton.
    As soon as Adriana crawled out of the barrel, she was hauled to her feet and marched away by a further two guards. I noticed that she was limping, but she too had survived the descent. I suddenly felt more optimistic. We could worry about the buggane later.
    Alice gave me a little smile as they dragged her away. It seemed that I would be the last to be tested. Alice crawled into the barrel quickly, like Adriana. As soonas they tapped on the lid, she’d wedge herself into position.
    This time the descent was rough, the barrel bouncing twice – though at least it didn’t hit a tree. When it reached the bottom, my heart was in my mouth. Had Alice managed to position herself properly? The remaining guard took off the lid and I waited expectantly for her to emerge. Instead there was a pause before he dragged her out of the barrel.
    ‘Another dead one!’ shouted the commander. ‘Send down the little warlock. Let’s get it over with! I’m ready for my breakfast!’
    My throat constricted and a huge sob built up in my chest. Down below, they were laying Alice’s body out alongside the other two corpses.

I couldn’t believe she was dead. We’d gone through so much together, survived so many dangers … As my eyes filled with tears, I was seized and pushed to my knees in front of an open barrel.
    ‘In you get, lad. Stop blubbing and make it easier on yourself!’
    Blinded by tears, I started to crawl into the barrel, the spikes jabbing painfully into my hands and knees as I did so. No sooner was I in than the lid was clamped on top, plunging me into darkness.
    Rap! Tap!
    The barrel began to move and, just in time, I used my elbows and knees to brace my body against the innercurve of the wood, somehow managing to find gaps amongst the murderous spikes. The barrel began to spin faster and faster, the force pressing me harder against the points. There was a jolt, and I was almost shaken onto the barbs. Then I slowed and finally came to a halt. I didn’t move until the lid was forced off, filling the inside of the barrel with light.
    A face peered in at me. It was Commander Stanton. ‘Got another live one here!’ he shouted. Then he spoke to me, his voice lower but filled with sneering contempt. ‘Out you come, you little warlock! It’s the buggane for you …’
    I crawled out, the spikes jabbing

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