Weapons of Mass Seduction

Weapons of Mass Seduction by Lori Bryant-Woolridge Page A

Book: Weapons of Mass Seduction by Lori Bryant-Woolridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Bryant-Woolridge
Tags: Fiction
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“In black.” Sheer, sultry, tempting. Perfect for seducing a baby daddy.

Chapter Six
    â€œ V anilla,” Florence requested.
    â€œThis is Baskin-Robbins. Thirty-one flavors and you can’t do better than
?” Rebecca teased.
    â€œDarlin’, it’s one thing to tinker with variety when it comes to your underpants, but there are times when plain and simple is just perfect. I’d suggest you remember that, Ms. Supersensual.”
    â€œWhere’s Pia?” Rebecca inquired as the two ventured back into the mall.
    â€œShe said she’d wait right here for us,” Florence said, looking around.
    â€œHere she comes, and she’s got company.”
    Flo’s eyes followed Rebecca’s finger and saw Pia headed toward them with what looked to be a two-year-old boy in her arms. The pair appeared to be chums, with a glowing Pia singing and the child laughing.
    â€œSale at the toy store?” Flo inquired when Pia reached them.
    â€œI found this cutie-pie wandering around by himself. I went into the center of the mall to see if I could find his mommy, but nothing. I’m taking him to the security office, but I didn’t want to go without letting you two know.”
    â€œWhoa, he really likes you. He’s grinning and laughing and he doesn’t even know you.”
    â€œYou’re a natural,” Flo remarked to her beaming teammate.
    â€œHe’s sweet,” Pia said, gently running her fingers through the toddler’s curls. Her bittersweet smile was not lost on Flo. “Now let’s go find your mommy,” Pia said, touching her forehead to the child’s. “I’ll be right back.”
    Florence and Rebecca were just finishing up their ice cream cones when Pia returned. “The mom was already there in security. She was frantic. She said she turned away for a minute and he was gone. What a scary feeling it must be to lose your child.”
    â€œGood thing you found him and not some crazy,” Flo said. “Now back to shoppin’. What else is on the list?”
    â€œWell, we can check off number one:
it all something that makes you feel beautiful,” Rebecca said, quoting the shopping list Joey had given each of them. “Number two: A
ual way to express yourself. I guess that’s perfume.”
    â€œOr it could be scented candles or incense,” Pia suggested.
    â€œAnd three: a
indication of who you are or want to be. That must be the icon thing she was talking about. What aisle do you find that one in?
    â€œI’m kinda confused,” Rebecca admitted. “I get the underwear, but what’s with the other stuff? I need some different clothes to go with my new lingerie, ’cause the closet I have isn’t working.”
    â€œClothes aren’t as important as your mind-set. Joey’s trying to get us to change our attitude, which, like Cosette said, bubbles from underneath. Everything on that list is about individual expressions that are related to our sensual personalities,” Pia explained, becoming more impressed with her instructor’s ideas. “I get it.”
    â€œOf course you do. Ever since we got started there hasn’t been one darn thing that has you as confounded as the rest of us. If I didn’t already like you so much, I’d have to hate you for bein’ so damn together,” Flo joshed.
    Pia simply gave her a wink and a smile.
    â€œSo where do we do the fragrance thing?” Rebecca asked.
    â€œHow about there?” Pia suggested, pointing across the mall to a perfumery.
    â€œI’ve been wearin’ the Jean Natè all my life,” Flo announced as they entered the store.
    â€œThey still make that?” Pia asked.
    â€œStill sold at all your finest drugstores. It’s the first Christmas gift Dan ever gave me and I’ve been wearin’ it on special occasions ever since.”
    â€œWell, then you

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