Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance)

Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance) by Brandy Cova

Book: Werebear Horror Romance: Given to the Bears (Paranormal Horror Fantasy Romance Short Story) (Shapeshifter Fantasy Horror Romance) by Brandy Cova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandy Cova
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growing more alert and responsive with each ounce of shifter seed that I took into my body. I felt more wild, and the sensation was incredible. I was on the prowl, and in due course, I looked at the last shifter in line to receive the ecstasy of my touch; it was my Finder.
    All magic which had acted as a flourish to my physical being took on an entirely unconscious aspect. The environment became strange, as flowers which had existed previously turned into butterflies, and back into flowers once more; migratory in their root placement. Dryads and nymphs from trees appeared to be surrounding the two of us, watching eagerly from knots in the living wood in which they dwelled. The forest floor grew rich tufts of moss, complete with tiny flowers, and ornate with drops of dew. Insects flurried about in unison, and hummingbirds came down to feast on the insects, while performing mating rituals of their own. The vines which had been acting as a gag for my finder released themselves, and still he was silent; staring at me in an anguished gaze; full of desire.
    "Finder, love, is that your name?" I asked.
    He did not reply, but he did not shun me either. The non-verbal communication informed me that names were not necessary in this space, and though he did technically find me, there were many other names which he went by besides "Finder".
    "I see that you are not defined exclusively by your relationship to me," I replied. "That is good."
    My hand waved in an arc to the clearing in which I stood.
    "As you can see, I am not defined exclusively by my relationship to you either," I stated, with calm assurance. "But that does not mean that I am ungrateful for the way that you treated me. You were kind, and strong. When you did not yield, I was better for the experience. In short, Finder, You know how to please a woman."
    A self-reflective smirk flashed across his face. The expression was not an insult, I was intuitive enough to understand that much.
    "Perhaps you know something I do not." I stated out loud; the statement was more of a musing than a question.
    "Very well," I decided. "Come to me lover, and share with me the secrets of your body."
    The vines descended slowly, like some theatrical spectacle where a cultural object of prime desire and focus is lowered gracefully from on high, to a place where it can be accessible to the masses. I realized that the power dynamic had changed, because I was not seeking to take something from this one. I wanted both; to give and to receive. The realization caught me off guard momentarily, as I was unsure of what it meant.
The persona I had been developing over the past five partners no longer seemed to be applicable.
    "Where is the malice left to be directed toward this one?" I asked myself. "Nowhere."
    I wanted nothing more than to hold his body, and take in his essence; this was the closest thing to love that I imagined such a sexually instrumental persona might be able to comprehend. The vines loosened, and the Finder hung with legs spread wide; an exposed man on a swing of vegetation, presenting his body for my perusal.
    Reaching my hand forward, I grasped a hold of his testicles; rubbing them gently in my palm. Their weight was heavy, as he too had been stimulated by the vine and was swollen with anticipation. A fire burned within my abdomen and the light of the flames seemed to grow higher within my body until it was reflected in his eyes. His penis seemed to be the perfect object of desire. The one thing that I needed in order to complete the experience of this moment.
    I tried to shake off the overwhelming motion toward coupling with him once more. To frame the mind in such a way where the physical body of another person is the sole gratifying factor within one's life is the sexual description of co-dependency; I knew that. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
    "I am woman," I said to myself. "I am whole, and I am sharing in my

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