What The Heart Knows

What The Heart Knows by Jessica Gadziala

Book: What The Heart Knows by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
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pressed into hers, his hands at the sides of her face, holding
her still as his lips crushed into hers.
felt the contact in her belly first, exploding outward, sparking,
making her skin feel electric, wired. This was what she wanted in the
orchard. This raw, uninhibited, animalistic devouring. His teeth sank
into her lower lip, hard, painful, but sending a jolt of desire
straight into her core. His hands stayed at her jaw, holding her
there, tilting her face when he wanted her to. His tongue pushed into
her mouth, sliding over hers. Emily groaned, her hands going up to
grab his shoulders, pulling him toward her body tighter.
knee pushed up between her thighs, pressing into the wall behind her.
His pelvis rocked against hers, drawing a whimper out of her throat.
One of her thighs slid upward, moving to wrap around his hip.
needed him closer. She could feel his hardness pressing into her
lower stomach. If he would just dip his pelvis down slightly, she
could press forward and find some relief. Not what she really wanted,
but something to ease the pulsating need between her thighs.
of his hands slipped down, grabbing the neck of her sweatshirt and
pulling it to the side, giving him access to the skin below. His lips
landed there a second later, a quick kiss before his teeth dug into
her skin. Her head fell backward, looking up toward the sky. Who
would have thought pretty city boy would be so take charge and sexy?
Her hands moved to the back of his neck, holding him against her as
his teeth retreated and his lips replaced them.
dropped her hips, thrusting forward, feeling his cock press against
her clit. She groaned loudly, her hands slipping down to grab the
bare skin of his bicep.
her, Charlie's arm shot out, pointing somewhere near them. Then the
whooshing in her ears disappeared and she heard it. The sound of
people approaching. James must have heard it too because he sprang
away from her, turning with a charming, unaffected smile just as
people walked into view.
end guys,” he said, his tone even, cheerful.
teens groaned, taking turns turning and starting back the way they
straightened, taking a deep, shaky breath. Damn him for seeming so
collected. Every nerve ending on her body felt overworked and the
unsatisfied sexual tension left her frustrated, almost to the point
of emotional. She blinked her eyes rapidly as he turned back to her,
the edge of his lips turned up in a smirk. Like he was about to say
something smart-ass-y.
squared her shoulders. “Well,” she said, noting her tone
sounded a little breathy but detached and cool. “of all of the
mediocre performances in this maze today, that takes the first place
prize,” she said, slamming into his shoulder as she passed,
taking on a long-legged but unhurried pace.
Christ. How had she let that happen again? What was wrong with her?
Granted, what woman did want someone to take them in a powerful,
manly way? But that was no excuse. She needed to get some control
over herself. Her hormones.
her, James' arm snagged an arm around her belly, holding her still
and she felt herself lean back against him. He stood there not moving
for a moment and then his other hand was sliding up her inner thigh,
squeezing it slightly before pressing against her heat.
moaned, her head falling back onto his shoulder. His breath was warm
on her ear and she felt herself shiver. “I think the only poor
performance here,” he said, his finger pressing once against
her clit. “is you trying to pretend you don't want me.”
lurched forward, almost stumbling over his feet on the sides of her
shoes. That bastard.
you repeat that for me?” she said, sounding surly and not
caring. “I want to get it right for the sexual harassment
laughed, a short humorless sound. He pushed past her, slapping her
ass hard as he went around her. “Before I am done in this town,
I'll have

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