When All My Dreams Come True

When All My Dreams Come True by Janelle Mowery Page B

Book: When All My Dreams Come True by Janelle Mowery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Mowery
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Christian
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once again, she lived in the midst of believers. Annie, Jace, and Pete reminded her of Roy and Maggie. Annie seemed sincere in her friendship, and Jace… she made a face at herself in the mirror, aware of how foolish she acted in front of him. How was it she would try to show him up in the corral, yet without Mack and her hat, he could make her blush so easily? At least he was kind about his teasing and not crude like so many others.
    Finished with her hair, she set down the brush, blew out the lamp, and climbed into bed. The idea of attending church terrifiedher. When it came to her choice of clothing, church-going folks often acted the worst. Their stares burned with a conviction she couldn’t ignore. Only when presented with a dress would she even consider following through with Annie’s plan.

    B obbie woke early the next morning, dressed, and stepped outside. Serenity filled her as the bright orange sunrise blazed on the horizon, and she wanted to chuckle at the insecurity she experienced the night before. She leaned against the house, drinking in the colors as they advanced across the sky.
    “Is something wrong?”
    The deep voice made her jump. She turned to find Jace standing at her shoulder.
    “I’m sorry.” Jace wore a teasing smirk. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “That’s fine. I was just watching the sun come up.” Her gaze moved down to his feet then back up to his face. “You’re all dressed up. You look nice.” She closed her eyes as heat burned her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
    He smiled and gave a gallant bow. “Thank you.”
    How humiliating!
She turned back to the sunrise, though her heart still thumped at the fright he gave her…or was it his presence?
    “There’s nothing like the colors of dawn. I think it’s my favorite time of the day.” She inhaled deeply as if the hues held a scent. “It’s as if each morning is a brand new start, a new beginning. Just look at it.” She refused to look at him and continued staring at the sunrise.
    Stained with pink and purple, the sky appeared as though someone had spilled their paints. The sun added a tinge of orange and goldas it reflected itself on the array of clouds that an unseen wind had whipped into a wispy froth.
    “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.”
    Bobbie switched her gaze to Jace. “What?”
    Jace repeated the verse. “That’s found in the Psalms. I can only marvel at how anyone can see such beauty and not believe in God, the Creator of all things.”
    Bobbie wanted to question him about his beliefs, but he had turned and walked toward the door.
    “Shall we go in for breakfast?” he asked.
    She followed, only to be caught staring at him again. If only he didn’t look so good. How would she make it through the meal when she knew it would be impossible to swallow? Thankfully, Jace acted as though nothing had happened outside.
    After breakfast, Annie asked Bobbie to join her, and she found herself in Pete and Annie’s bedroom. Annie pulled from the closet a dark navy dress with white lace around the collar and sleeves. Bobbie walked over and touched the material. It shimmered in the sunlight.
    “This is very pretty, Annie. Is this what you’re wearing to church?”
    “No, Bobbie. This is your dress.”
    She gasped and touched the dress again. “Really? Is it really, Annie?”
    “Yes. It’ll look great with your light hair color. Are you ready to put it on?”
    “What? Oh. You mean to try it on.”
    “No, I mean are you ready to wear it today?”
    “But I thought…you said…” Her mouth went dry.
    “I did, but it didn’t take much altering. I liked it so much, I planned to see if I could alter it to my size. But now with this third child on the way…Well, needless to say, I doubt I’ll ever get into this dress, altered or not.”
    “You’re going to have a baby?” Bobbie glanced at Annie’s stomach before giving her an awkward hug. “I had

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