When Fangirls Lie

When Fangirls Lie by Marian Tee Page A

Book: When Fangirls Lie by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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himself was too much. With a few furiously fast strokes of his dick, he was coming as well, his groans mingling with her soft whimpers.

    Saffi swayed in her feet, the explosive pleasure she had experienced, coupled with the excitement of what happened in the few hours past, proving to be too much.

    “Hey.” Staffan quickly rose to his feet and steadied her.

    She could only respond with a weak, still-dazed smile. Had what happened --- really happened?

    Oh, she was so convinced now. Staffan Aehrenthal definitely had to be the one to take her virginity. No man would ever compare to him after this. She would die a virgin if he wasn’t the one to take it.

    Staffan gently took her to the couch, wiping her clean with a wet towel. When he left her, she could only stare at him, mesmerized at how even more beautiful he was when he was naked, all golden muscles, sleek lines, and that massive tattoo on his spine, a majestic-looking dragon in fiery shades rising from the waters.

    She sighed.

    He glanced at Saffi at the sound, and the soft look on her face made his cock harden once more. He liked the idea that he was the one to put that look on her face. And this weekend, if he had his way, that was how Saffi was going to look. Every. Fucking. Second.

    After dressing himself, he took out a trench coat from the racks. “Let’s get you into this---” He managed to stop himself from calling her Saffi.

    Saffi shyly rose to her feet, feeling absolutely cherished as Staffan carefully helped her into his coat before pulling both sides tightly close and knotting its belt just as tightly.

    “Ready?” The smile he sent her way was dazzling.

    “Umm…just…” She gave up trying to make sense and simply hurried around the room, picking her bra and stuffing it in one pocket while her cropped top went to the other pocket. She gnawed at her lip, feeling like she had forgotten something.

    “Are you looking for this?” Staffan held her wristlet bag up with two fingers.

    “Oh. Yes. Thanks.” She stuffed it into her pocket with a blush even as she mentally berated herself for being such an airhead and acting like a freaking novice! She was supposed to be an experienced slut, for heaven’s sake!

    Staffan took her hand as he led her out of the dressing room. Outside, her embarrassment came back tenfold when she saw everyone smirking at her. Oh my God. They knew. And then she saw Alan Carson and became even more embarrassed. Both of them shared the same hometown, had attended the same high school, and he knew everything about her since his family was in politics, too.

    Staffan saw the look of shock and worry in Saffi’s eyes when she saw Carson. He stiffened. Did she care about what the little twerp thought? Jealousy bit at him and he asked sharply, “Is something the matter?”

    She jumped at the curt and almost angry sound of his voice. This man might not literally be a rockstar – Staffan didn’t sing rock but most of his American fans, after seeing his tattoo, liked to think of him as one - but he definitely had the temperament of one. He blew hot and cold so quickly he left her whirling.

    Maybe he was beginning to question her disguise. Maybe he had sensed her embarrassment and was starting to doubt her identity as a groupie. Maybe he was getting bored with her because he realized he had done most of the work – twice – while she just stood there and waited for him to pleasure her.

    Nervous as heck now, Saffi dug into her pocket to get some gum from her wristlet. In the movies, she saw Gs snapping gum all the time so maybe she should do it, too.

    When she pulled out her gum, the bra came with it and fell to the floor.

    Everyone fell silent again.

    She desperately wanted to kill herself but for the love of Staffan Aehrenthal, she was just going to…ride this one out.

    When it was clear she wasn’t going to pick it up, Staffan mentally rolled his eyes even as he crouched down to pick it up. But instead of giving

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