When Fangirls Lie

When Fangirls Lie by Marian Tee Page B

Book: When Fangirls Lie by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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it to Saffi, which she clearly expected him to do, he put it in his own pocket.

    Her eyes widened, and it was clear on her face she was doing her best not to show more embarrassment.

    Why was she so determined to pretend being someone else?

    Staffan had her bra. Oh my dear Sex God---no wait the Sex God had her bra. If Saffi didn’t do something quickly, she was going to faint. Remembering the gum in her hand, she quickly popped it into her mouth. She tried blowing a bubble with it, like how Gs did in movies, but it burst back into her mouth instead like a pink sticky web.

    Everyone burst into laughter.

    Amusement won over exasperation this time, tempting Staffan to smile as he watched Saffi hurriedly spit the gum out and discarded it in a piece of tissue she crumpled into a ball before throwing away. No matter what she did, Saffi just wasn’t cut out to be a hardcore G. Still watching her, he was surprised to see her smile at someone. His eyes followed her line of sight and he stiffened when he saw Alan Carson smiling at his Saffi ruefully.

    Staffan reacted instinctively. He pulled Saffi back to him, hand curling around her nape. His lips went down on her as her body slammed close against him.

    Saffi’s gasp ended as a whimper as Staffan surprised her with an open mouthed kiss, one so blazingly carnal it made her eyes close, heart hitch, and her toes curl.

    Mine, his kiss said.

    And yet that was not enough.

    When he lifted his head, he stared down at Saffi, his face hard. “When you’re with me, I want you to look at me and just me. I want you to think of me and just me. You’re mine, every inch of you is fucking mine. Understand?”

    His voice rang loud and clear, the tone of possessiveness in it unmistakable, and her stupid silly fangirl heart couldn’t help but be thrilled. Saffi wanted to say ‘yes’ but was afraid it would come out all gushing and adoring, and she’d sound like the fangirl she really was.

    Unable to trust herself with words at the moment, she nervously popped another piece of gum into her mouth to blow another bubble. This time it worked, and she gave him a thumbs-up in answer.

    The crowd laughed once more, but even so she kept her gaze on Staffan. Yours, she tried telling him with her eyes.

    He stared at her for a moment---before throwing his back head in laughter.

    She relaxed, toes curling again at the look of tender possessiveness that had lit his hazel eyes ever so briefly.

    Staffan pulled her close as he walked them out of the hall, one arm around her waist, fingers splayed on her hip as if wanting to mark her his with every second. He glanced down at Saffi, who was so small her head didn’t even reach his shoulder.

    Ah, Saffi March.

    I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you.

Chapter Four

    I’m determined to find out why this is called Sin City.
    Saffi March checked in at McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada
    Aehrenthal Fanatics commented, You go, slut! =P -

    “Excuse me, I need to talk to Alan Carson? Do you know where he is?” Even to her ears, the question sounded surreal. A plane wasn’t supposed to be like a freaking mall a person would get lost in it but that was exactly what had happened.

    Staffan’s private jet was beyond the stretch of her imagination. All the walls were covered in cream leather and wood panels. The jet also had its own game room and library and of course a recording studio. Not even the greatest rockstars could afford this, but of course Staffan wasn’t just a rockstar. His stepfather also happened to head one of the world’s most famous resort and theme park corporations, and it was no secret that the billionaire CEO thought of Staffan as his own son.

    Her parents were embarrassingly rich as well, but Pearl’s conservative upbringing ensured that all of them kept a low profile. Only Steel traveled on his own private jet but only for emergency occasions. And since he was tempered by their mother’s

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