When Sparks Fly
pooch and tumbled to the ground giggling, the dog on top of her, stubby tail wiggling madly as he licked her face.
    “Easy, boy,” Joe admonished, not really concerned that the pup would cause her any harm. Turning his attention to Monica, his face broke into an easy smile. “Hi.”
    “Hi,” she smiled back. “Whatcha’ working on?”
    “It’s a podium slash dance floor for Fourth of July. I mentioned there was a parade?” At her nod, he continued. “Well after that, pretty much everyone in town comes to the park. A brass band plays, there’re arts and crafts booths, face painting, balloon animals, that kind of stuff. Before lunch, there’s a friendly baseball game. Once that’s over, people picnic or grill out. As soon as everyone’s had their fill, the mayor stands on this here podium,” he gave the platform a smack, “and talks for a bit about the town and civil responsibility. A few key members of the town council get up and add their two cents. Kind of boring, really.” He grinned with a mischievous look in his eye. “That’s usually the time a bunch of us sneak off behind the concession stand for some of Frankie’s homemade hooch. By then, the sun’s goin’ down and people start gathering for the fireworks.”
    “Wow. Busy day. You left something out though.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
    “I believe you mentioned something about a dance floor.”
    “Ah, yes, how could I forget? After the politicking has ended but before the pyrotechnics begin, the platform is opened up to anyone wishing to show off their dancing skills. What about you, Monica?” He took a step towards her. “Do you like to trip the light fantastic?”
    “Depends on the song,” she replied, trying not to notice how incredible sexy he looked with sawdust in his hair. “And the partner.”
    Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “Well, I guess you’ll have to save me a dance then.”
    Beating so loudly she was stunned he couldn’t hear it, her heart played hopscotch in her chest. Merely being in close proximity to this man caused her to feel like a teenager, complete with oh my god, did he just ask me out? incredulity. Attempting to effect an indifferent expression, she smiled and tossed her head. “Maybe I will.”
    Joe grinned broadly at her playful response. “It’s a date! What time should I pick you up?”
    “Whoa there, big fella. I need to leave my options open.”
    He felt a momentary stab of panic. Had someone else asked her out? His concerns must have shown on his face because she laughed and placed a reassuring hand on his arm.
    “I was only kidding. We’d love to go with you.”
    “We?” he asked, blinking rapidly, before looking over at Kimber, who was still rolling around with Leroy. “Oh, of course. I’d be honored to bring you both.” Afraid that he’d offended her, he offered an apologetic grin.
    Though she knew he hadn’t purposely intended to forget her daughter, she couldn’t help but laugh at the ‘oh shit’ expression on his face. “It’s okay, really. Trust me, it’s a rare moment that you can forget about her.” Dropping her hand, she walked over to the platform, running her fingers across the boards. “By the way, thank you for going to get her booster seat from my car. It was very considerate of you.”
    “You’re welcome.” He watched as she caressed the wooden planks, his groin tightening, envisioning those same fingers gliding across his skin. The midday sun felt exceptionally hot on his face and sweat trickled down his neck as he struggled to get ahold of his raging libido. The sight of her climbing the steps up to the dance floor didn’t help as he admired the shapely curve of her ass. She closed her eyes and spun in a circle, her arms outstretched, pulling her shirt tight across her breasts. He had to look away before his lascivious thoughts got the best of him.
    “You’ve done a fine job. I think the citizens of Celebration will approve.” Monica leaned

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