White Ginger

White Ginger by Susanne Bellamy

Book: White Ginger by Susanne Bellamy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanne Bellamy
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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ushered Amelie through the doors of the dining room. Retro in design, pictures and models of whaling ships, old-fashioned schooners, fishing nets and floats decorated the walls and ceiling. Ambient lighting added to the sensation of walking through a watery world.
    Amelie followed Arne between empty tables to the far corner where a huge Hawaiian man sat by the window. As Arne approached the table, the man glanced up then surged out of his chair to envelop Arne in a bear hug.
    “My good friend, it’s been too long since you sat at my table and enjoyed my hospitality,” he said in a booming voice. “What can have kept you from your soul friend?”
    Arne stepped back and the man continued before he could introduce Amelie.
    “Ah, now I see why you have not had time for your old friend.”
    “Jimi, Amelie.”
    Jimi took her hand gently in his, bowing gracefully for one so large and, raising it to his lips, he gallantly kissed her fingertips. “Welcome to Kauai. I see my good friend has found the most beautiful woman in these islands.”
    Arne shot back a reply, “After you had married the other one.”
    “True,” Jimi agreed. “But you and I always did have the good taste and sense to settle only for the best.” Her cheeks warmed under his open admiration and she fiddled with her serviette. “So,” he said settling back into his seat, “What fool ex-employee of mine gave you a car so completely unsuited for your requirements?”
    Drinks were ordered when the waiter returned with water for their table, beers for the men and a pineapple juice for Amelie. She didn’t want to find herself drowsing on the drive back to Kaleialani.
    There was little conversation as they enjoyed a seafood platter of succulent prawns, scallops, fish fillets and calamari with a garden salad, which Amelie suspected was in deference to her presence. By the time they finished picking at fresh local melons, pineapple and mangoes, their coffees arrived.
    “You are here for three months? And you enjoy what you see?” Jimi leaned back, a coffee cup almost disappearing in his huge hand. His intelligent face showed interest and something akin to expectation as he waited on her reply.
    “It’s one of the loveliest places I’ve seen, and as for enjoying it, who could resist what is so compelling.” Irresistibly her eyes were drawn to Arne’s face before she lowered her lashes to conceal her thoughts. Jimi chuckled. Had she given away her interest in Arne? Her cheeks heated at the thought.
    They sat chatting for a while over coffee until Jimi sighed.
    “Well, back to the office, eh? We must collect your car for you. Will you ride with me, or do you prefer the company of this pirate to that of a baron of business?” The men looked at one another, and then Arne grinned and Jimi’s huge frame shook with laughter. “Oh, you don’t think I see you stealing the brightest gold from under the noses of everyone in these islands! Come, my friend, give me the pleasure of Amelie’s company while you collect your bits and pieces from the depot.”
    With good grace, Arne relinquished Amelie’s arm to Jimi, a wry smile settling on his face. “I’ll call by this evening to see all is well with the car this rogue is offering you,” he told Amelie before turning to Jimi. “And tell Lucy I’ll call in to see her on my way home.” He turned on his heel and, with a brief wave in her direction, rounded the corner to where they had parked two hours earlier.
    Jimi led the way to his SUV, mercifully parked in the shade so that, when they climbed inside, it was relatively cool in the early afternoon heat. He made small talk while they drove back to the airport garages.
    Amelie considered her dilemma. What if Arne refused point blank to take someone with him when he returned to check the reef? It was evident Arne and Jimi were close. She suspected if Jimi asked, Arne would listen to him. He might not be able to dissuade Arne from going alone, but perhaps he

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