Wild Nights
His fingers dug
    into her leg, his lips tightened, and at last, he met her curious gaze.
    “Yeah. Be down in ten.”
    Lenox disconnected the call. He patted her leg and tugged the
    jogging pants back in place. She swallowed back her frustration,
    squeezing the muscles of her pussy until the uncontrollable throb
    began to subside. Lenox cupped her head with both hands and
    brought her mouth to his for a deep drink.
    Every mounting desire fizzled when he lifted her off his lap and
    placed her on her feet beside him. “We’ll finish where we left off. For
    now, we need to get you some new clothes before the shops in town
    close up.” A menacing smile met his lips. He slid his fingers between
    hers. The motion of affection touched her heart deeper than she ever
    expected. “And it seems you’ll be meeting your other mate.”

    Rhea Regale

    Chapter Five
    Riley simmered in anger and disgust. Lenox was as sharp as he
    remembered from pup hood. Perhaps even more so. Seldom could any
    wolf sense him and his pack when they approached. He was the leader
    of stealth, and somehow, Lenox knew just where he lay in wait.
    “Fucking bastard,” he spat before throwing back the last of his
    beer and slamming the bottle on the bar top. The bartender eyed him
    curiously, but wisely kept his tongue in check.
    Riley shoved back on the stool. He needed to get out of this
    stagnant room. It reeked of stale beer, old liquor, and dirty wolves.
    Weak, useless wolves. He stormed out of the bar into the early
    evening. Suppressing the growl that stirred in his chest, he smiled to
    the sky.
    Nocturnal insects had already begun to creep out of their daytime
    burrows, enhancing the subtle breeze with song and announcing the
    impending darkness of deep night. Riley reveled in the short hours
    before complete nightfall. His wolf roused and stretched within him,
    filling him with feral excitement. His heart sped up. His skin became
    so sensitive he could feel the slightest movement of the bugs flying
    nearby. His hearing intensified, and his desire to hunt exploded.
    There was nothing better than a wild escapade for fresh meat.
    Tonight, confronting his pup hood nemesis and slaughtering that
    cursed white wolf was on the agenda.
    As Riley rounded the bar toward his Escalade, he caught the
    rustic, wild scent of Lenox. Bitter memories flared to life. Yet, even
    through that poignant bitterness, he detected another fragrance. The
    sweeter, mouthwatering tinge of the white.

    Wild Nights
    He stilled on the sidewalk, absorbing his surroundings. The
    drifting breeze met his front, which meant the two must be up ahead.
    He filtered through pointless chatter among the town strollers, trying
    his damnedest to pinpoint where that soon-to-be dead man stood.
    People gave him wide berth as they passed him. Good . These fragile
    little humans should be wary. He was a blood-hungry predator, and
    right now, he was primed to stalk his prey.
    He tipped his head, scanning the thin crowd of townspeople. The
    sweet scent of the white intensified. The air pressed against his
    shoulders and chest. Blood rushed downward until his cock filled,
    biting into the metal zipper of his jeans. The muscles in his legs
    quivered beneath the overwhelming sexual hunger that speared
    through him.
    Find her. Take her. Claim her.
    Riley’s gaze halted. A woman stood on the front stoop of a store
    entrance no more than thirty feet away. For the briefest moment,
    everything disappeared. Fog unfurled through his mind. His vision
    failed him. His dick pulsed and stretched. The wolf inside him—
    Yours. Take. Mate.
    The casual pink sweatpants and hooded top hugged her petite
    frame in a hellishly sexy way. Fuck, the woman was a beauty all
    cleaned up.
    And he wanted her.
    He stared, scouring her like a rare morsel. Only this meat would
    quell a different hunger. White wolf or not, he would fuck her until
    she submitted to him.
    Once he sated this powerful sexual hunger, he’d kill

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