Wild Nights
    The muscle in his jaw twitched. He couldn’t draw an image of her
    dead. All he could see was her writhing in ecstasy as he pounded into
    her. The wispy flips of her dark hair, now so perfectly styled around
    her face and neck, would become wild and mussed from his fingers.
    The smooth, silky complexion of her skin—all except for the healing
    cut on her lip and a few fading bruises on her cheeks—would be rosy

    Rhea Regale
    from multiple orgasms. Those beautiful blue eyes would darken with
    lust and silently beg for more.
    Damn, his hands itched to trace the delicious curves of her breasts,
    follow the indentation of her waist, and flow out along the slope of
    her hips. His fingers ached to grab hold of her legs and spread her
    wide before her cream drenched them. He wanted to explore the
    secret wonders of her cunt, using her juices to ease his invasion of her
    He took a long, deep breath and her scent grew sweeter. An
    aroused wolf. How inviting . And this one was more intoxicating, more
    delightful, than any he’d known before.
    The woman blinked before she drew her bottom lip between her
    teeth and nibbled on the plump flesh. A light blush touched her
    cheeks. She lifted a hand to her hair and curled a lock around her
    fingers. Her other hand splayed over her flat belly. Was she throbbing
    at the sight of him? Did she ache as much as he did? Her hand slid to
    her hip, one slow, tantalizing movement that snapped a thread of his
    Her eyes shifted slightly.
    Riley spun around. Something pinched his side. Heat shot into his
    body and spread like wildfire. He growled, lifted his hand to attack—
    His limbs were deadened.
    “Hello, old friend. It’s about time you’ve returned,” Lenox
    greeted. Riley blinked once, twice. His eyelids grew heavy. His vision
    clouded. His knees buckled. Lenox caught him under his arms.
    “W-wha…” His tongue and jaw barely moved. His voice fled
    him. He tried to grab Lenox’s arms, but his muscles were useless. The
    scene around him quickly faded until all that was left was the
    bittersweet memories of Lenox’s betrayal and the sweet scent of the
    * * * *

    Wild Nights
    Eliza stepped away from the shop window, allowing the shadows
    cast by the stark illumination of street lamps to swallow her behind
    racks of wool blankets and baubles. She kept her eyes on the events
    taking place at the block corner. She ran her tongue over her bottom
    lip, the restrained sense of empowerment at last spreading through her
    body. She had waited too many years for this moment, the moment
    she could reclaim a pack of vicious male wolves and hunt down this
    new threat to their kind.
    I’ll get my revenge on them. I’ll destroy them in your name, Laela.
    All of them.
    Lenox Carter was a magnificent species. It would be a tragedy to
    kill him off without having a bit of fun with him first. He motioned to
    a woman standing a store down from where Eliza took refuge. The
    frail-looking mutt hurried over to him, her slender hands pressed to
    her mouth.
    Eliza stepped out of the shadows and up to the window. She
    strained to hear any conversation that transpired, but only heard
    whispers between the humans walking by.
    “Do you know who you are, you little white tramp? Do you know
    how to use telepathy?” she murmured. It never occurred to her that
    the white wolf knew what she was. Rumor spread that the white
    discovered in Hood River had no idea what secrets her family’s blood
    held. She assumed this white would know just as little to keep her
    from being discovered.
    Maybe, just maybe, she was wrong this one time.
    A heavy-duty pickup flew by the store and screeched to a halt
    next to Lenox, her downed Riley, and the white. Two men hopped out
    of the cab and helped Lenox hoist Riley’s massive form into the
    backseat. One man urged the white into the front seat, slamming the
    door shut before glancing around warily. Lenox handed this man an
    empty syringe

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V 02 - Domino Men, The
