Wilson's War: Tales From the Athena Lee Universe
computer. "What the freaking hell is wrong with this Damn thing! Hey Dorene! What did you do to this box?"
    There was a loud pounding on the cockpit 'windscreen', DJ looked up and Dorene was peering in at her. She opened the cockpit door.
    "What did you do to this thing? It won't accept a command."
    "Me? You are blaming me? Whatever did I do to you?" DJ was starting to get angry.
    "I think you are still angry at me for tossing out that ratty old fur coat of yours."
    "Damn right I'm mad, that was a family heirloom passed down from my mothers family. She claimed it was pure chinchilla!"
    "What the hell is a chinchilla? Sounds like some kind of snack or something." Dorene loved arguing with DJ, they would laugh about it later.
    "Mom always said it was a rare and beautiful creature that was very hard to hunt."
    "You know what I think? I think that.." At that moment they realized that they were not alone. A very large shadow now covered them. As one they both turned to face the Deck officer, Lieutenant Xan.
    "Ladies? Were you aware that the fighters are beginning to power up?" The lieutenant was a very tall man who, at this moment, did not look amused.
    The 'twins' looked back at each other, then around the hangar. All the fighters, including the ones they'd just finished, were powering up. At practically the same time they both answered. "It wasn't us!"
    "Sir, we did notice some kind of diagnostic that would not let us input commands. We were just discussing it now." Dorene was the first to answer. "It must be a malfunction of some kind. Even if they power up, the hanger doors are closed where are they going to go?"
    At that moment a warning began blaring across the hangar.
    " Attention hangar doors are opening... Attention hangar doors are opening ."
    "What the fracking hell, sir? When did we get THAT message installed?"
    The officer looked as puzzled as they did. "I don't know but we need to get inside. None of us have suits on!"
    Lieutenant Xan ran for the crew airlock, the techs closely following. "Wait, wait. I need my tool kit!" DJ stopped running and reversed course running to get her kit.
    "You idiot, you are going to get us both killed!" Dorene was right on her heels.
    The hanger emergency lights began to flash, the yellow strobes painting the fighters with flashes of color. A loud groaning could be heard as the hangar doors started to open.
    DJ grabbed her best friend and pulled her into one of the fighters, shutting the hatch.
    "Thank you DJ, you saved my life."
    "You. Are. An. Idiot! Why did you follow me?" DJ really wanted to know.
    "DJ you are like a sister to me. Sisters should stick together. Now lets see if we can stop this crazy computer module and get out of this thing."
    The Navy fighter suddenly came to full power and lifted off flying on its own off the hangar deck and out into space.
    The thrust from the fighters coming to full speed threw both techs back into the seat. The girls looked out the windows to see the other fighters all lined up in formation on either side. The control screen lit up and five flashing words filled the screen.
    " Do you like Roller coasters?"
    DJ looked at her friend, "What in the hell is a roller coaster?"
    The fighter came to full power and began doing all sorts of acrobatics. Loops and fast turns, the ship zipped with pinpoint accuracy around sharp corners and through tight narrow construction spaces. The navy fighter was getting the flight test from hell. The other 11 fighters were engaging the unsuspecting Militia. The locals were suddenly freaked out when a high tech modern fighter popped up on their 'six' and began scanning them with a firing solution. The unpiloted fighters were sweeping the field in mock combat.
    The two techs were unaware of any of this. The G forces inside the cockpit had cause both of them to black out. Their fighter slowed and finally stopped

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