Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1)

Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1) by Nikki Belaire

Book: Wine and Whiskey (Surviving Absolution #1) by Nikki Belaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Belaire
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“I didn’t
realize Jason owned it.”
    “Yes, that’s what JET stands for—Jason Edward Tyler.” She laughs,
a reminder of her friend’s crush. “It’s also for Tom Cruise in Top Gun. He
loves Tom Cruise.”
    Nick winks at her with an odd expression she can't quite
decipher. “He loves you too, probably more than you know.” He squeezes her
hand, making her chest flutter. “What are your plans for today?”
    “Actually, I don’t have any, and it feels wonderful. I was gone
so long on tour, it’s nice to stay home. I’m kind of a nerd that way.”
    Max coughs before clearing his throat. “I don’t think anyone
would call you a nerd.”
    Despite Team Shae’s best efforts, she can’t uphold the party
girl image they like to portray. The rumors of her closing down the clubs,
leaving with the hottest actor of the moment, sells more records than the
truth. Yet intensifies her guilt for the young girls who think it’s cool and try to emulate something that’s not even real.
    “I mean, I don’t really go out much or anything. Carrie loves to
dance and tries to drag me along. But, I’m just as happy staying home, watching
movies and eating popcorn.”
    Having already wolfed down his muffin and yogurt, Max eyes the
menu board before turning back to her. “So, that’s the real life of a pop star?
Hanging out at home watching movies?”
    She leans forward and whispers, “Yes. Please don’t sell my
secrets to the media.”
    Crossing his heart, Max winks at her. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell
a soul.”
    They finish eating and are walking out when Max suddenly stops.
“It’s Juan.”
    Nick steps in front of her as two men approach them, one about
two feet behind the other. Both have dark hair and caramel skin. A crescent-shaped
scar mars the taller one’s left cheek, giving the appearance of a pumpkin
carving gone wrong.
    The other man stands so close to Nick, she suppresses a cough
from his musky cologne. Humorless brown eyes bore into Nick, conflicting with
the fake smile crossing his lips. He spreads his arms in front of him, feigning
disbelief. “I wasn’t expecting to run into you here.”
    “It’s not a coincidence, Juan. What do you want?” Nick’s body
stiffens, his voice conveying a hardness she’s never heard before. Her heart
constricts at his reaction to the men, his laid-back demeanor vanishing at the
    “You’re so rude. Can’t we have a civil conversation? Discuss
some important business?” He motions to Shae. “It won’t take long. I know you
don’t want to keep your beautiful friend waiting.”
    “This isn’t the time or the place. If you want something, call
my secretary and make an appointment.”
    “You have a debt to pay for what you did to my brother.” Her
stomach churns at the tension boiling between them. Juan’s eyes flash with
anger, his voice hissing. “I have offered to work with you. If you refuse, you
leave me no choice. I have to get your attention one way or the other.”
    She flinches as Juan reaches out as if to touch her hair. Nick
grabs his arm and slams him against the condiment table. A silver pitcher
topples over, with drops of milk forming a small puddle. Packets of sweetener
spill out like a rainbow waterfall over the edge, with two yellow ones left
hanging precariously. Max points a gun at Juan’s head before the other
bodyguard gets his jacket open. “Fall back, or you’ll regret it.”
    Everything is silent except for the beep of the oven timer,
warning the now-scared boy his muffins are done.
    Nick leans forward a few inches from Juan’s face. “You’ve got my
attention in a way you don’t want. Now, I suggest you get the fuck out of here
before things go real bad for you.”
    As he loosens his grip, Juan jerks away. His gaze moves to Shae
as he smoothes down his clothes. “This isn’t over.” He
storms out of the coffee house with his bodyguard behind him.
    She lets out the breath she’s been holding. Nick crouches

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