Winter's Destiny

Winter's Destiny by Nancy Allan

Book: Winter's Destiny by Nancy Allan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Allan
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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No. Not Jamie! She tried to nod, to tell him she understood, not to hurt Jamie, but his grip was viselike.
    “Understand?” The pressure on the back of her head let up slightly.
    “Yes!” Amy choked.
    “Good,” said the muffled voice, “I’m going to let go. Don’t raise your head. Don’t move! Got that?”
    “Yes!” Amy’s muffled reply sounded more like, “Us!”
    He released her and said nothing more. Amy remained stone still under the pillow, sweat pouring off her. There was no air! She bit her lip trying to control her panic. Twisting her head away from the pillow an inch at a time, she finally freed herself and inhaled deeply.
    At last, she could see across the room. It was dark, but she knew he was gone. The room was heavy with his presence. Sitting up, she grabbed the phone and with shaky fingers, she speed dialed Nita. After three rings her sister-in-law’s groggy voice answered. “’Lo?”
    “It’s Amy,” she whispered hoarsely. “I know it’s late, but could you please check on Jamie.”
    “What? It’s three in the morning!”
    “Nita, someone broke into our house. He threatened to hurt Jamie. Please Nita, make sure he’s okay.”
    “Broke in your house? When? Now?”
    “Yes! Nita, please!”
    “Be right back.”
    Amy paced the floor beside her bed. For all she knew he— whoever he was -- could still be inside the house. Hurry up!
    Nita came back on. “Jamie’s sound asleep. Everything’s fine. You want me to call 911?”
    “No! They’ll hurt Jamie if we do that. You understand me, Nita? Don’t call anyone .”
    “I don’t understand—“
    “Wake up Brandon—“
    “He’s awake.”
    “Check your doors and windows. Make sure they’re locked. Let the dog out. If anyone comes onto the property he’ll bark. And Nita?”
    “Bring Jamie into the room with you. Don’t let him out of your sight. I’ll call you in the morning.”
    “Bye. And thanks, Nita.” Amy set the handset onto the charger and tiptoed to her closet where she had tucked away the baseball bat she had bought for Jamie’s birthday. She gripped the handle and walked softly into the hall. Cautiously, she worked her way through the house, arms and shoulders tensed, ready to swing. She checked windows and doors, and turned on lights. On the main floor she felt a cool breeze coming from the laundry room. Tightening her grip on the bat, she crept to the laundry room door, readied the bat, and looked inside. No one. The window was wide open, and below it, leaves and dirt littered the floor. He came in through here! Amy shuddered, yanked the wooden window closed, and turned the lock.
    The break-in jarred her. She felt violated even though he had not hurt her. She was angry that he broke into her home, but most of all, she was terrified for Jamie. She paced the entrance hall, the family room, the library, and ended up in the kitchen, where she put on a pot of coffee. She paced while she waited for it to brew.
    He had grabbed her head and pushed her into the pillow, but in the split second before his glove touched her, she had inhaled. There had been a distinctive and familiar odor on the glove, but she couldn’t place it. She poured coffee into a tall mug, knowing she would never go back to sleep.
    Something terrible was happening, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She had seen the injured woman and called the sheriff’s office. Now, Jamie was in danger. How could she get the Sheriff to back off ? She needed help, but if she couldn’t get it from the police, then where? Dragging anyone else into this would be crazy. She was trapped. Gramps is right. I should take Jamie and get out of here.
    Amy had her back to the living room. Something inside the house had changed. She could feel it. Looking up, Amy saw an image on the microwave glass. A man was behind her. Amy gasped and whipped around, coffee flying from her cup.
    “Dan!” she screamed. Her cup crashed to the floor.
    He stood

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