Witchful Thinking

Witchful Thinking by H.P. Mallory Page B

Book: Witchful Thinking by H.P. Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.P. Mallory
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Time travel
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kept two guards stationed outside her door twenty-four/seven. Overkill anyone?
    Before I knew it, the feel of Rand’s hand was warm on my thigh. At first he just laid it there, but after a few seconds he began stroking, stopping at my knee and then coming back up.
    Ah, so you were really after a cheap thrill?
I thought. Although my tone might have sounded level and in control, my heart was pounding through my ears.
    His chuckle pealed through my mind.
I hadn’t intended to touch you but I can’t stop myself
    Why do I have a feeling this was your plan all along?
    Would you prefer I stop?
    Hell, no, I didn’t want him to stop.
    Then stop complaining
    I’m not complaining
    A wide smile overcame him even though he was looking at Trent, whose conversation had something to do with Bella. When Trent saw Rand’s bizarre expression, he stopped talking and turned to face Odran, confusion etched in his eyes.
    Pay attention to the conversation
. I grasped Rand’s hand, which was still massaging my thigh.
You’re scaring everyone around the table
    I’m having difficulty focusing on anything but your body
    A shudder vibrated through me at his words, and the errant thought that Mercedes might be overhearing us crossed my mind. But I honestly didn’t even care. Instead my entire body was tuned to Rand’s hand as it began to inch its way back up my thigh. He squeezed me gently and I nearly jumped out of my seat.
    “Aye, we shouldna allow ’er ta live,” Odran said, nodding in agreement with Trent’s last comment—which, by the sound of it, had something to do with killing Bella. For all I cared, they could have been talking about aliens abducting Bella. No, my only interest was the current program titled “Jolie Is Finally Getting Some Action.”
    “I don’t think we should kill her,” Rand argued. I was surprised he was still paying attention.
    “She will never be our ally,” Varick announced.
    “But is that any reason to kill her?” Rand countered.
    “I don’t think we should kill her either,” I concurred in a voice that sounded breathy and hurried. No one glanced at me, though, so I figured the secret that Rand’s hand was now at the North Pole was still mine to keep.
    “This can be resolved at a later date,” Mercedes interrupted. “For now, I believe we should concentrate on rebuilding our army.”
    Rand nodded and began drumming the fingers of his other hand against the wood table. I noticed that his hand had relaxed and was no longer massaging or squeezing my leg. He was fully focused on the conversation. Bummer, but it had been fun while it lasted.
    “Once the ledger of names is confirmed, we can beginbringing our dead soldiers back,” Rand said, offering me a smile.
    Mercedes nodded and turned to me. “I will assist you.”
    Ah, yes, I had momentarily forgotten about the little fact that Mercedes could reanimate the dead—a talent she’d demonstrated when she so artfully brought me back to life. Between the two of us, I hoped the task would be expedited. Even though I hadn’t seen the tally, I had a feeling there were many creatures in need of our … abilities. And it wasn’t like bringing back the dead was easy. It took intense concentration and it sometimes didn’t work on the first, second, or even third attempt. So depending on how many dead there were, Mercedes and I were about to be very busy.
    “We must rebuild the legion quickly,” Mercedes continued, as if she’d been reading my mind. “Jolie’s role as Queen will soon require her complete attention.”
    I could see Rand’s lips tighten. “As far as I understand it, Jolie hasn’t decided if she wants to be Queen.”
    “It is her fate,” Mercedes said simply, meeting his gaze. Her eyes were just as piercingly defiant.
    “I believe the prophetess, Rand,” Mathilda said in her bell-like cadence. “The child is gifted, you have known that from the beginning.”
    Rand nodded. “Yes, Jolie is gifted, and yes,

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