With Love; Now & Forever
of Fiji and of Ana’s initial indignation of Greg’s offer of a job, when Ana had assumed it was to be a concubine.
    After they both had themselves under control and hearing Ana’s endearing recollection of Greg, Jennifer questioned Ana’s relationship with Greg. Feeling at ease,
    Ana explained.
“Greg made it very clear that he had romantic feelings
for me but was very respectful when I explained that I was
unavailable, my feelings must have been apparent that I
was still in love with someone else…” Ana faltered
abruptly, realizing what she was saying and to whom. Ana
saw the pain in Jennifer’s eyes and regretted that she failed
to remember that she was talking to Austin‘s wife. Seeing Ana’s dismay, Jennifer softly asked, “If you have
been in love with Austin for so long, can I ask why you
didn’t seek Austin out sooner? You said that it was
because of your careers but that was well before Austin
finished school, before you got into the travel industry and
before he met me. You could have sought him out, why
didn’t you?”
“We were living two separate lives, I knew we couldn’t
make it work.”
Even Jennifer knew it was not the truth but had the
decency to once again to let it drop. Feeling contrite for
not being honest with Jennifer but unable to open up with
Austin’s wife, Ana claimed she was tired and begged for
forgiveness for wanting to return to her room. Jennifer
played the gracious hostess and accepted but stopped Ana
cold in her tracks.
“Ana, I never thought I would like you, being the other
woman in Austin’s life but I want you to know, I’ve come to value you as a friend and I hope that the feeling is mutual. I would like to continue our friendship even after
all is said and done.”
Feeling the same but knowing the truth might jeopardize
family relationships, Ana cautiously responded. “I can see
why Austin fell in love with you. You’re beautiful, you’re
gracious, you’re smart as a whip and your sense of humor
is endearing. Austin made the right choice, never doubt
that, Jennifer.”
As Ana left the room, she thought she heard Jennifer
say, “I do.”
* * *
    Ana walked into the room for dinner and was surprised to find another person sitting at the dinner table, softly talking with Jennifer and holding her hand. Neither one of them noticed her enter the room, being so engrossed in their conversation. It was Thursday night and she wasn’t aware of anyone else joining them for dinner but it was obvious that there was a connection between Jennifer and the handsome stranger. Ana felt like she was intruding and was about to leave when she saw Stavros standing in the corner, once again, in the shadows. He looked at her and nodded, indicating that she was expected and was not intruding.
    Without them noticing her, she had a chance to evaluate the newcomer sitting at what she now considered her place at the table. Though he was sitting, he appeared to be tall, at least six foot three, with dark hair and light complexion. He had an aristocratic face that was handsomely chiseled and she imagined that with his complexion he would have blue eyes. His arms were very well defined and muscular and she caught herself wondering what they would feel like wrapped around her body. He was currently holding Jennifer’s hands, his arms stretched across the table to meet her slender ones. His hair was longer than the current fashion, not quite feathering on the sides but definitely cut in layers so that he had a wind-swept appearance. She found herself physically attracted to him and was uncomfortable with the sensation since she assumed this must be Jennifer’s psychic.
    “Oh, Ana, I didn’t hear you come in.” Jennifer caught Ana off guard and staring at her guest. “Please, let me introduce you to my therapist.”
    Ana heard the humor in Jennifer’s voice but also caught the raised eyebrow that Jennifer’s new guest gave her. Thank heavens Jennifer hadn’t told him of

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