Wizard's Funeral
He is a barbarian himself. Can we trust him on such an occasion? He would be more likely to see his priority as seeking revenge rather than rescuing the King Magus. Captain Kaff, on the other hand, is an officer whose loyalty is unquestioned. Soldier said, Someone betrayed us to the Hannacks. Humbolds eyes opened wide. Are you accusing Captain Kaff? Soldier realised he would be foolish to insist upon such a thing, with no proof to hand. In his mind he was sure that Kaff had had him followed northwards, and had alerted the Hannacks. They must have known that Soldier and Ixonnoxl were going to emerge from the pass. Someone had betrayed the party to the barbarians and Soldier could think of no better choice than that of the Captain of the Imperial Guard. Im saying someone did. They shall both go, said the queen, interrupting with one of her characteristic impulsive decisions. Soldier will command the expedition. It shall consist of a company of Imperial Guardsmen and a company of Soldiers warriors from the Eagle Pavilion of our friends and guardians, the Carthagan Army. Thats my ruling. It stands. Both Kaff and Soldier let out an audible gasp. This was a recipe for disaster, but they dared not go against the queens determined ruling. Her eyes were like flints at the moment. It would take very little to ignite her fury into chopping off a few heads. She stood up, ready to leave the court. She shook her head at Soldier. Most disappointed, she repeated. My sister will be as displeased with you as I am, Im sure. When if you return, Soldier, you will undergo Trial by Ordeal. You may make your choice now, if you wish. In fact, I insist upon it. Fire, water or single combat? Fire, Your Highness. Her eyes opened a little. Not single combat? You are an exceptional fighter. Single combat would involve a second person, a champion chosen by the court. This person might end up killed or injured through no fault of their own. The blame for the loss of the King Magus is all mine. Therefore I choose Ordeal by Fire. So be it. In the meantime I shall see the ex-rulers of Bhantan in my quarters. Humbold, you will accord them all the status and privileges due to visiting royalty. I like to think that if ever I were deposed and seeking asylum in a foreign city . . . Perish the thought, Your Highness, murmured Humbold, his tongue between his teeth. The ex-princes were looking up at him and smiling sweetly. Hhhhhummmmbold, murmured Guide. Hummmmingbooooulder, exaggerated Sando, in mellifluous tones, not to be outdone by his brother. The chancellor gave them a look which would have killed twin bull elephants. Raff and Soldier left the court together. Raffs rat was struggling, snapping at the air. The captain wrenched it from its socket and sent it scuttling away into the gardens. Then he turned on Soldier, shaking his empty socket at him. Why didnt you take Single Combat for your Trial by Ordeal? We could have fought again, legitimately. The court doesnt have the last say. The accused - you - has the right to influence who will be the opponent. I know, said Soldier. I have no grievance against you, so long as you stay away from my wife. Yet you accuse me of betraying my country! said Kaff, hotly. Oh, dont give me that look. You know you meant me. Let me tell you something, Soldier, which will save you a lot of grief. I would never betray my country and my queen for the likes of you. Do you understand me? Youre not worth the loss of my honour. If you say so. I do say so. Soldier shrugged. This is neither here nor there, now. Weve have been thrown together for this expedition. Lets not make any mistakes. Im the leader. No successful expedition can have two leaders, so youll obey me as if you were a corporal and I a marshal, is that clear? Perfectly clear, answered Raff, his good hand on his sword-hilt. Ive had my orders from the queen. You neednt remind me of them. Yours is the command, yours the responsibility if we fail. Yours be the glory if we are

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