Wolf Creek Father (Wolf Creek, Arkansas Book 3)
turned away from her, hoping she wouldn’t resort to tears, that handy-dandy feminine standby that women the world over used to manipulate the opposite sex.
    After several long seconds, Colt calmed himself and searched his mind for something to say. Miss Grainger, too, appeared to gather her emotions. Her chest rose in a deep sigh and she seemed to shake off her melancholy, looking up at him with renewed determination. “I daresay if we both work hard at it, together we can help him.”
    Colt doubted it, but it wouldn’t hurt to try to appease her, since she did seem upset by the whole affair. Besides, Homer had given them an ultimatum. “Maybe you’re right.”
    “Thank you for Cilla and Brady’s apologies. I believe that was the right thing to do.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    Silence reigned in the small room until she said, “Have you tried to find out what’s at the root of their behavior?”
    “In fact, I did,” he told her. “I was a little surprised at what they had to say.”
    She raised her eyebrows in question.
    “Brady told me he was tired of disappointing everyone all the time. He also said that it’s embarrassing when you make mention of him having the wrong answer in front of the class.”
    Miss Grainger looked shocked. “It was never my intent to humiliate anyone. I just try to point out the error and offer to help them after class. I’ll try to figure out another way to...soften things.”
    “I’m sure he’ll appreciate that,” Colt said. He looked straight into her eyes. “And I promise I’ll work with him for thirty minutes or so every evening. I’m not sure I can do more than that. It’s frustrating and stressful for us both.”
    A tight smile played at the corners of her mouth. “Believe me, Sheriff Garrett, I understand only too well, and I can assure you that my frustration equals, if not surpasses, yours.
    “For my part I promise to investigate every new teaching technique available. There is always some educator coming up with new and different methods of instruction. Some are better than others, but it won’t hurt to try a few of them.” The sound of her stomach growling punctuated the statement. Her freckled face flushed deep red.
    “Look, I was up half the night,” he told her, not offering any reason why. She’d never know he hadn’t slept for thinking of their argument and...her. Frowning, he scrubbed a palm over his bristly cheek. “When Danny came to get me, I didn’t even have time to shave much less have a cup of coffee. Would you mind if we continued this conversation at Ellie’s?”
    An expression of pure panic flitted over her face.
    “Please,” he coaxed. “Let me treat you to breakfast. I’ll be able to think much better once I have some coffee, and I think your stomach will agree that a plate of ham and eggs wouldn’t come amiss.”
    He accompanied the request with a stiff smile. If possible, she looked even more flustered. He could see in her eyes that she was about to refuse.
    “Look, Miss Grainger, I’m doing my best to make up for yesterday,” he said in his most persuasive tone. “How about meeting me halfway?”
    After regarding him with a solemn expression for long moments, she rose. “Well, then, since you put it that way, I accept. We really
reach some agreement about the children.”
    * * *
    The instant she and the sheriff walked through the door of the café, all eyes turned their way. Allison heard the murmurs of conjecture sweep through the crowd. Grasping her elbow, he ushered her to a table and pulled out her chair, the epitome of a Southern gentleman.
    Ellie approached carrying two mugs of steaming coffee. “Straight from the pot for Allison,” she said, setting the cup down in front of her and pressing a sisterly kiss to her cheek. “The usual, Colt?” Ellie asked.
    “Yep. And thanks for bringing the coffee right over. I needed it.”
    “I could tell,” Ellie said with a slight smile.
    Allison watched wide-eyed as

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