Wolf's Bane

Wolf's Bane by Joe Dever Page B

Book: Wolf's Bane by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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your advanced Kai instincts, you avoid the rain of debris without too much difficulty and reach the entrance to the skull-rock unscathed. Without any hesitation you enter the misty portal in pursuit of your enemy. Barely seconds later, there is a tremendous explosion and the entire temple ceiling collapses.
    Turn to 174 .

    You ask Steel Hand to give you his rope and he obeys dutifully. Then you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Levitation and almost immediately you feel gravity losing its grip on your body. Gently you rise to the ceiling of the vault where, using the exposed stone buttresses, you are able to pull yourself along until you are directly above the centre of the fissure. Here you fix one end of the rope to an exposed stone beam and cast the other end to your companions waiting below. One by one they swing across the void and, when all have crossed safely, you untie the rope and pull yourself to the far side before intoning the words that cancel the effects of the spell.
    It is clear from their wide-eyed expressions that they are all impressed with your mastery of Brotherhood magic, especially Steel Hand. You gather up his rope and as you give it back to him you say: ‘Don't worry. One day I'll instruct you in the ways of magic so that you, too, can walk a ceiling!’
    The young Kai Master smiles as he stuffs his rope into his bulging backpack.
    ‘And now, my lords, we must press on. We've a trail to find,’ you say, and you motion your companions to follow as you get ready to leave this chamber.
    Turn to 160 .

    You feel your throat tightening and your lungs collapsing as the air is sucked out of the chamber. The whirling flames of the fire have rapidly transformed into a raging vortex which is dragging into its core every loose item in the banquet hall. You and Alyss hang on to the banister rail affixed to the gallery stairs, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your grip. Chairs, tapestries, tables, and other furniture batter you as they tumble past to be sucked into the vortex (lose 4 ENDURANCE points). Then the rail collapses and the two of you are drawn into the raging heart of this fearsome whirlpool.
    Turn to 170 .

    You motion to your companions to follow, and then you take your first step into the dark tomb. Suddenly there is a blinding flash of white light followed almost instantly by the deafening crackle of exploding electrical energies. Pain consumes your body as you are lifted into the air and thrown backwards by the blast. You have triggered a hidden power-glyph, a magical booby trap, and you have been caught by its explosive energy.
    Pick a number from the Random Number (0=10). Now add 5 to the number you picked. The resulting total equals the number ENDURANCE points you lose.
    Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart before turning to 13 .

    The creature that is diving towards you suddenly freezes in mid-air. The morbid fear of death that had gripped your heart quickly evaporates, but you are left with a feeling of deep unease as your senses detect that something extraordinary is taking place around you. The hall has become filled with a deadly silence and everything, including the tongues of flame trailing from the creature's sword, and the blazing fire in the grate, is utterly frozen. It is as if time itself is standing still.
    Wolf's Bane is a frozen statue, his face fixed in the malevolent sneer he was wearing in gleeful anticipation that you were about to meet your doom. You are beginning to think that perhaps you have been killed and that this is life after death, when suddenly you glimpse a blurred movement out of the corner of your eye.
    From the shadows cast by the gallery there steps a young teenage girl. She is dressed in a leather jerkin and threadbare trousers which are cut short at the knees. She is barefoot and appears to be armed only with a mischievous grin.
    ‘Who … who are you? Why are you here?’ you stammer, dumbly.

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