Wolf's Bane
that truly rivals the fertile wonders of the cavern below.
    Turn to 239 .

    You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and loose a power beam of your own at the back of the running warrior. It tears open the canister that is strapped between his shoulder blades and, with a sudden eruption of blue-white light, he is hurled upon the cylinders that cover his slain comrade. For a few seconds a spidery net of pulsating light enshrouds the two lifeless warriors; then it crackles and disappears, leaving behind an acrid stench of scorched metal and roasted meat.
    Turn to 21 .

    You step away from the body of your enemy and allow yourself a smile of grim satisfaction that you have, at last, rid Aon of this evil intruder.
    ‘Hurry, Lone Wolf,’ says Alyss, impatiently. ‘Naar is vengeful. He will soon be wanting to know how his champion is faring. If he finds him slain, we will both feel his wrath.’
    ‘Then we must escape from here,’ you reply. ‘But how? Do you know of a way?’
    ‘Mmm … maybe,’ she replies, narrowing her green eyes. ‘Yes … I've got a plan.’
    If you possess the Discipline of Kai-screen and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 280 .
    If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 98 .

    You hear the great portal closing behind the hover-wagon. It makes surprisingly little noise for such a huge expanse of iron, barely a serpent-like hiss as it seals out the stormy city wind. You stay hidden until the wagon comes to a halt and then you venture a glance over the side of its cargo bay to assess the situation.
    Before your eyes there stretches a cavernous plaza, crafted entirely of steel, glass, silver, and iron. Towering girders arc over your head, buttressed upon each other to support the many upper levels of this stupendous edifice. The plaza is vast and alien in design, and it is virtually deserted. You count no more than six armoured warriors, some so far distant that you have to magnify your vision to be sure that they are what they seem.
    The arrival of the wagon attracts no attention. The driverless craft has docked of its own accord at a steel jetty that encircles an iron support pillar. The coast is clear and so you waste no time in attempting to locate your adversary's trail. As expected, you find traces of his tracks close to the portal. They lead you to an archway which opens into a steel-lined chamber that has two exits: one to the left, the other to the right. Here the tracks become indistinct; you are unable to determine which way Wolf's Bane went from here.
    If you wish to explore the left exit, turn to 243 .
    If you choose to explore the right exit, turn to 254 .

    Your Arrow flies straight and true and hits the creature's glowing eye, yet it does not penetrate deep enough to cause a fatal wound. The eye dims but the beast does not slow its pace, and there is now no time for a second shot. You only just have time to unsheathe a hand weapon to defend yourself as the metallic horror comes leaping at you through the darkness.
    Illustration III —The metallic horror comes leaping at you through the darkness.
    Mech-wulf: COMBAT SKILL  44    ENDURANCE  40
    This creature is immune to all psychic attacks.
    If you win this combat, turn to 5 .

    You open the cage door and command the creature to jump onto your outstretched arm. You are hoping to be able to use it as a guide to help you find Wolf's Bane, but the primate does not cooperate as expected. It is deeply confused. It thinks that you are Wolf's Bane and adamantly it refuses to leave its cage.

    You detect that it has suffered cruelly at the hands of the impostor, and this sudden realization serves to strengthen your determination to find and defeat him. You take one last look at the pitiful creature before closing the cage door and continuing your exploration of the tower by way of the circular stairs.
    Turn to 287 .

    With mixed

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