explained what I'd done. He looked doubtful, then nodded. "I guess you're right, it's the best thing to do. But we're hurting, Vlad. Are you going to be able to get more where we got that?"
    "I don't know."
    He shook his head. "We're learning too slow. He's staying ahead of us. We can't keep this up."
    "By Barlen's scales, I know it! But what should we do?" He looked away. He didn't have any better idea than I did.
    " Don't sweat it, boss, " said Loiosh. " You'll think of something. " I was pleased someone was feeling optimistic.

    Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
    "For an assassin, you're a real sweetheart."
    Here's a dismal thought for you: it seems that every friend I have almost killed me once. Morrolan, for example. I'd hardly been running my area for three weeks when he decided to hire me for a job. Now, I don't work for people outside of the organization. I mean, why should I? Are they going to back me up if I get caught? Can I count on them to pay my legal fees, bribe or threaten witnesses, and, above all, keep their mouths shut? Not a chance.
    But Morrolan wanted me for something, and he found such a unique way of hiring me that I was filled with admiration. I expressed my admiration in such glowing terms that he nearly took my head off with Blackwand, the infantry battalion disguised as a Morganti sword.
    But these things pass. Eventually, Morrolan and I became good friends. Good enough, in fact, that he, a Dragonlord, had given me a loan to carry on a Jhereg war. But were we good enough friends that he'd do so twice in three days?
    Probably not.
    It's been my experience that, just when things look bleakest, they continue to look bleak.
    " I guess this is my day for dismal thoughts, Loiosh. "
    " Check, boss. "
    I teleported from my apartment to a spot just outside of the office building, and went inside without waiting for my stomach to settle. Wym was already standing in the street waiting for me, and Miraf'n was by the door.
    "How did it go?" I asked.
    "Done," said Wyrn.
    "Okay. After this, you two might want to make yourselves scarce for a couple of days." Miraf'n nodded; Wyrn shrugged. The three of us went into the shop, and past it into the suite of offices.
    "Good morning, Melestav. Is Kragar in yet?"
    "I didn't see him. But you know Kragar."
    "Yeah. Kragar!"
    I went into my office and found that there were no messages waiting for me. That meant no new disasters, anyway.
    "Uh, boss?"
    "Wha--? Good morning, Kragar. Nothing new, I see."
    "Anything from Temek?"
    "Narvane is back working with him. That's all."
    "Okay. I--"
    " Boss! "
    " Temek! We were just discussing you. You have something? "
    " Not exactly. But listen: I was doing some snooping around Potter's Market and Stipple Road, and stopped in this little klava hole to listen to the gossip, and this old Teckla comes up to me, some guy I'd never seen before, right? And he says, 'Tell your boss that Kiera has something for him. She'll meet him in the back room of the Blue Flame in one hour. Tell him that. "
    " He got up and walked out. I followed him, not ten steps behind, but he was gone when I stepped outside. Anyway that's it. I think it may be a setup, boss, but-- "
    " When did it happen? "
    " About two minutes ago. I looked for the guy, then got in touch with you. "
    " Okay. Thanks. Get back to work. "
    I folded my hands and thought about it.
    "What was it, Vlad?"
    I related the conversation to him. He said, "Kiera? Do you think he meant Kiera the Thief?"
    I nodded.
    "It must be a setup, Vlad. Why would--"
    "Kiera and I have been friends for a long time, Kragar." He looked startled. "I didn't know that."
    "Good. Then chances are, Laris doesn't. And that means this is probably straight."
    "I'd be careful, Vlad."
    "I intend to be. Can you get some people over there, right now, to look it over? And have a teleport block set to keep everyone out?"
    "Sure. Where did you say?"
    "The Blue Flame. It's on--"
    "I know. Hmmm. You 'worked' there about

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