You Belong To Me

You Belong To Me by Ursula Dukes Page A

Book: You Belong To Me by Ursula Dukes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ursula Dukes
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Danielle, I mean don’t you?” He let out a chuckle.
      “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but like I said I pretty much work and go home. Sure I spend lots of time with Shayla and Jason but it’s usually take out at their place, you know? We hang out, watch movies, things lik e that. God I never realized how boring I must be,” she stifled a chuckle.
    “Danielle you are far from boring and I am so very glad that our paths finally crossed. Besides, they say that good things happen to those who wait and I think we both waited long e nough,” he said with a grin.
    “So, now tell me about you Mitch, the woman here must be beating down your door. I mean a successful bachelor like yourself? You couldn’t have been single for long. You sure I'm not a rebound girl?” She joked.
    “No definitely not Danielle. But to tell the truth, I have dated, but there hasn't been anyone special in my life for about eight years or so.”
    “Wow I'm surprised, tell me what happened."
    “Well as you know, I grew up here in Vermont, but there was a time when I wanted to get away and see the world, especially after my younger brother left and joined the military. So I did just that, I packed up and moved to New York City. I was twenty nine years old and bored, just bored. Once I got to the city I thought I’d made a big mistake. I couldn’t get my bearings.
    I felt out of place, lost and to make matters worse, I couldn’t find a job. So there I was sitting in a twenty-four hour diner in Yonkers one night thinking about calling it quits and moving back when in walked a woman who I thought was in trouble. One look at her told me that she had been crying and she had such a sad, hopeless look on her face. Where I come from we ask people if they need help or if there’s anything we can do. Isn’t that right?”
    “Mm hmm,” Danielle nodded in agreement.
    “Well I did that and her reply was, “Fuck off.” Well naturally I was taken aback; I mean why would this stranger tell me that? What did I do to her? I'll never forget my reaction, I put my hands in my pocket, kept my head down and returned to my seat.  About five minutes later she came up to me and apologized and the rest as they say, is history.”
    “No, No. Finish Mitch what happened?” Danielle asked as their waitress brought them their breakfast.
    “You sure you want to hear this?”
    “Well, not the intimate details, but everything else yes.”
    “Alright,” he said pouring fresh Vermont syrup over his flapjacks.
    “We ended up talking well into the morning and after exchanging numbers, we parted ways.  A couple weeks later she called and asked if I wanted to go see a movie, so we met at the multiplex over in Yonkers. After the movie ended, let's just say she never went back home except to pack her things, she moved in with me.
    “Oh wow, that was fast Mitch.”
    “Yeah I know and that was the problem. I was basically a rebound guy but I didn't care because I was so lonely and miserable being there in New York that I welcomed any company at all.
    A few months into the relationship, things were going good; I had gotten a job a s a carpenter working for a small home construction business. She worked at a hair salon, and we were even thinking of getting a bigger place. Looking back on it, I should have seen the signs.
    There were weekends when she didn't come home. She always said that since she worked in a salon that she was hired out to do weekend weddings, you know all the hair and makeup for the bridal party?
    Well the weddings were always somewhere far, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Martha's Vineyard in the summer. I used to offer to take her, you know to drive her there? But she said that wasn't necessary because the bride to be always footed the bill and paid for transportation so they would arrive on time.
    I thought nothing of it, hey she's picking up extra cash, seems to come back very relaxed and happy. So what if I had to give up spending the weekends with

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