You Belong To Me

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Book: You Belong To Me by Ursula Dukes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ursula Dukes
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her. I kept myself busy though, I picked up a couple side jobs working on houses, so it wasn’t a big deal. Well after the so called summer weddings were over, I thought things would calm down but they didn't.
    Next it was fall weddings and so on and so forth. It all came to a head our first Christmas together. It was Christmas Eve and she said she had a special event to do and not to worry as it was right here in New Yo rk and she would return well before midnight. She said it was at the Marriott in Tarry-town New York which wasn't far from us at all. So I decided to surprise her and be there in time to take her home.
    Well when I got there, there was an event alright, it was a wedding. When I inquired about the salon employees and if they were finished, the banquet manager informed me that the only salon employees there were actual guests of the bride and groom, it was a coworker from the salon that had gotten married that very day.”
    “Mitch, she lied to you that must have been more than frustrating."
    “Yes, but I had to find out exactly what was going on Danielle. So, I had the banquet manager take me to where the reception was being held. The moment I walked in I saw her at a table with her ex-boyfriend. She wasn’t just sitting and talking, oh no, she was practically in his lap and he had his hands all over her. I should have walked away but I couldn't. I went right over to the table, sat down even and waited for her to turn around. And when she did, she simply looked at me, looked right at me. Then just as quickly, she turned right back around and continued sucking face with the guy.”
    “What did you do?”
    “I was stunned, I wanted her to yell, scream, apologize, do or say something but she didn't say a word and neither did I. I got up, got in my car and drove home.”
    “She came home at about midnight, to find her bags packed and placed outside the door. She didn't knock or attempt to make any contact with me at all; she simply co llected her bags and waited outside. I watched as she made a call, he came and got her and that was the last I've seen or heard from her. I threw myself into my work, finished out my lease in my apartment, packed up and came back here the very next year.”
    “Mitch honey I'm so sorry she hurt you like that, you know she didn’t deserve you though. She used you and that's something that stings no matter how much time goes by. Thank you so much for telling me your story, it helps me learn more about you.”
    “Danielle it was ages ago and yes it hurt, but you know what? I got over it. Yes I was scarred, but when I got back here, I'm ashamed to say that I began to disregard people’s feelings much like my own had been disregarded. I never allowed anyone to get close to me; I shut that part of my heart off.
    I didn't care about anyone, not even myself.   And the women that I did date were purely for…well you know physical reasons.  But please don’t think ill of me, I'm not that person anymore. It took a lot of time for me to realize that you get what you give and when I got back here, instead of taking time for me and my life, I just tried filling the void. I was going out every night, drinking with my friends, picking up women, lying to them to get what I wanted."
    “Oh Mitch ,” she frowned.
    “I know Danielle, I know. It took my parents to finally sit me down and tell me that all my running around was not going to make me feel better. I had to take time for myself, give myself time to heal, so I did just that. I took time off wo rk, went to our family's summer place up in Maine and stayed there by myself for about three weeks.
    It was the longest three weeks that I’ve ever experienced. At first I thought to myself, you’re crazy, there's no way you can do this for three weeks. But I did, I read a lot of books, cooked for myself, took a lot of walks. I took time to think and I rested. And I'll tell you Danielle I came back a whole new person. But I realized that

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