You Had Me at Halo

You Had Me at Halo by Amanda Ashby Page A

Book: You Had Me at Halo by Amanda Ashby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashby
Tags: Fiction, Occult & Supernatural
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Until she started working at Baker Colwell she hadn’t seen Vince for at least twelve years and her self-harming was not something she liked to talk about very often. Or ever, even.
    “I kept in touch with a few people after I moved away. Word gets around,” Vince said in a gruff voice.
    “Well, thanks for not believing I did it on purpose. But even though most people don’t know about what happened back then, they still seem to think I killed myself. Which is why I need to get it sorted out. I also need to explain to Todd what really happened.”
    “Good luck with that. He’s a jerk.”
    “Of course he’s not.” Holly felt herself bristle again. “He’s wonderful.”
    “Yeah right,” Vince said in what was obviously jealousy. Not that Holly was surprised since Todd was just that sort of guy. Girls wanted to be with him and guys wanted to be him. For a moment she lost in how wonderful Todd was when she caught sight of the watch on Vince’s arm and remembered just how little time she had left on earth.
    “Gemma,” she said out loud as she got to her feet and turned in the direction of her friend’s apartment. “It’s almost nine at night. I’ve got to get back around to see her so we can find Tina MacDonald.”
    “Nine? Shit, I’m meant to be somewhere.” Vince turned and headed back towards the building.
    Holly dug her heels in and forced him to stop. “Did I not just explain why it’s so important that I need to get all my issues sorted? I only have two days. Tick-tock, heavenly clock and all of that.”
    “Well, you’re not going to find Tina MacDonald at this time of night, so why waste time? This is my body remember and I have a life. You can’t just come in here and take over.”
    “Possession is nine tenths of the law,” she reminded him as she tried to head back in the other direction. “And, hey, you might learn something.”
    “That you’re insane? I think I’ve already picked that one up, thank you very much. Now if you don’t mind—”
    “I do mind.” Holly gritted her teeth. “Why can’t you just work with me on this?”
    “Well, let’s see. For a start you seem to think that my problems aren’t as important as yours. Secondly, because it’s too late to go running around playing Nancy Drew. And thirdly, but most importantly, because you didn’t even ask or say ‘please.’”
    Holly dropped her jaw for a minute. Of all the ridiculous, stupid, selfish reasons, that was just the bottom drawer. In two days time she could curse Vince Murphy all she wanted, but in the mean time she was just going to have to go along with it.
    “Please, can we go back to Gemma’s place so I can get Tina Macdonald’s address?”
    “If we must,” Vince grudgingly relented. “Since I’m probably too late. But first I need to make a call, and can I just ask, is this what it’s going to be like for the next two days?”
    “Hey,” Holly responded. “You know I’m sure there are a lot of other guys out there who would be thrilled to have someone like me in their body.”
    “Yes, I’m completely delighted at the experience. Just what I’ve always wanted. A dead girl to talk to,” Vince retorted as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
    Holly was about to say something when the door to Baker Colwell opened and a couple of guys wandered out. Her back stiffed as she recognized them as the two guys who had been following her earlier on. Had they been in the building trying to find her? What creeps. Not that they really looked like your normal run-of-the-mill thugs. In fact they looked more like computer geeks than... Uh-oh , Holly winced as once again she realized she had forgotten just whose body she was in.
    “Vince.” The taller of the two spoke as they made their over. “Where the hell have you been, man? You know we all had overtime.”
    “It’s a long story,” Vince said. “I was just about to call to explain why I’m late. Is Bob still inside?”
    The shorter one shook

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