You Had Me at Halo
    “But that’s ridiculous,” Vince said.
    “Impossible,” Holly agreed. “You must be able to do something.”
    “Sorry.” Dr. Hill shot her an apologetic look, which seemed to be aimed at both of them. “There’s nothing I can do. Except perhaps advise you both the more you bicker, the worse this thing will be. You should be pleased you’re body-sharing with someone you know.”
    “We went to school together for two lousy years way back when. I know my mailman better,” Holly retorted.
    “So think of this as a chance to catch up on old times then,” Dr. Hill said with an over bright smile. “Oh and would you look at the time? I really have to fly. I’m late for a meeting.”
    “No,” Holly yelped. “You can’t go. You’ve got to help me. Please.”
    Dr. Hill twitched his lips before reluctantly admitting, “There is an alternative.”
    “Yes?” Holly clambered at his words like the first in line at a chocolate convention.
    “First you have to imagine what hell looks like then you need to double it and—”
    Her excitement waned as she folded her arms and shot him a mulish look. “Is this going to be your alternative for everything?”
    “I’m sorry Miss Evans, I don’t make the rules. So what’s it to be?”
    “Fine.” Holly let out a reluctant sigh. She had the feeling it would be a bit harder to go find Tina Macdonald and make up with Todd, from the burning depths of hell.
    “Excuse me,” Vince interrupted. “I’m not so sure I want to go along with anything this guy says. God knows who he might stuff in here next.”
    Holly put her hands on her hips. “I know this isn’t ideal but we’ll just have to work around it.”
    “Work around what? The fact there’s another person in my body?” he demanded as once again she felt her arms being crossed.
    “There’s no need to get snooty,” Holly retorted as she turned to finish her conversation with Dr. Hill, only to find he had disappeared from sight. “He’s gone.”
    “Gee, and I didn’t even get to thank him for putting someone else in my body.” Vince’s voice was laden with sarcasm.
    Holly got up and began to pace.
    “Okay, now is so not the time to panic,” she instructed herself. “We just need to think this situation through. Yes, it’s going to make getting back to heaven a bit more difficult but with a bit of planning—”
    Holly suddenly found herself moving back to the bus stop and sitting down with a thump.
    “Stop all of that walking so I can get this straight,” Vince said. “Are you seriously trying to tell me you’ve been in heaven and they’ve sent you down for a...a...well... why have they sent you down?”
    Holly let out a sigh as some of her anger evaporated. “I guess this is even weirder.” for you than it is for me. The thing is I sort of got kicked out of heaven. Don’t laugh.”
    “Sorry,” he said in a contrite voice as she felt him bite down on the fleshy part of his lip. “So coming back to earth is a punishment?”
    When I’m stuck in someone else’s body it is , she wanted to mutter, but sensing it wouldn’t help relations, she kept her thoughts to herself. “You see the thing is after I got kicked out I was sent to Dr. Hill. He’s a—”
    “Yeah. Though he calls himself a spiritual realigner. A Spiritual Screw-up more like it. Anyway, I didn’t quite manage to shed all of my earthly issues when I died.”
    “What does that mean?”
    Holly sighed. There was no point being coy about this, since soon she and Vince would be sharing more than just secrets. “I still get a bit annoyed when anyone says I committed suicide,” she admitted. “Apparently it’s a problem.”
    “I can’t imagine anyone who knows you would believe that you committed suicide,” Vince instantly said. “You’re probably just sensitive because of that thing a few years ago after your dad died.”
    “How did you know about that?” Holly couldn’t hide her surprise.

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