Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII

Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII by Robert Hutchinson

Book: Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII by Robert Hutchinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Hutchinson
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Boleyn; undated but probably January 1527.

    261.4/BA1006/31b/319 – Purchase of bows and arrows by Droitwich, Worcestershire, to arm troops sent when Prince Arthur went into Wales, 1496.

    Allen, P. S., and H. M. (eds.), Opus Epistolarum des Erasmi Roterdami , vol. 1, (1484 – 1514), Oxford, 1906.
    —— Letters of Richard Fox 1486 – 1527 , Oxford, 1929.
    Andreas, Bernard, Historia Regis Henrici Septimi … necnon alia quædam ad eundem regem spectantia , ed. James Gairdner, London, 1858.
    Antiquarian Repertory , 4 vols., ed. Francis Grose and Thomas Astle, London, 1809.
    Bentley, Samuel, Excerpta Historica, or Illustrations of English History , London, 1833.
    Bull, Richard (ed.), Manner and Order taken for the Christening of the High and Mighty Prince Arthur , in Antiquarian Repertory , vol. 1 (1807), pp.353 – 7.
    Byrne, Murial St Clare, Letters of Henry VIII , London, 1936.
    Caius, John, A Boke or Counseill against the Sweate , London, 1552.
    ‘Calais Chronicle’ – Chronicle of Calais , ed. John Gough Nicols, CS, London, 1846.
    CCR Henry VIII 1500 – 09 , vol. 2, London, 1963.
    CFR Henry VII 1485 – 1509 , London, 1962.
    ‘Correspondence Fuensalida’ – Correspondencia di Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida , ed. the duque de Berwick y de Alba, Madrid, 1907.
    CPR Henry VII , vol. 1 (1485 – 94), London, 1914; vol. 2 (1494 – 1509), London, 1916.
    Crowland Chronicle Continuations 1459 – 86 , ed. N. Pronay and J. Cox, London, 1986.
    CSP Milan – vol. 1, ed. Allen B. Hinds, London 1912.
    CSP Spain – vol. 1 (1485 – 1509), London, 1862; vol. 2 (1509 – 25), London, 1866; Supplement to vols. 1 and 2, London, 1868; all ed. by Rawdon Brown. Vol. 3, pt. 1 (1525 – 26), London 1873; vol. 3, pt. 2 (1527 – 9) London, 1877; vol. 4, pt. 1 (1529 – 30), London, 1879; vol. 4, pt. 2 (1531 – 3), London 1882 and vol. 5, pt. 1 (1534 – 5), London, 1886, all ed. Pascual de Gayangos. Further Supplement to vols. 1 and 2, ed. by Garrett Mattingly, London, 1947.
    CSP Venice – vol. 1 (1202 – 1509), London, 1864; vol. 2 (1509 – 19), London, 1867; vol. 3 (1520 – 6), London, 1869; vol. 4 (1527 – 33), London 1871, all ed. Rawdon Brown.
    ‘Despatches’ – Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII: A Selection of Despatches written by the Venetian Ambassador Sebastian Giustinian , 2 vols, London, 1854.
    Ellis, Henry, Original Letters Illustrative of English History , 1st ser., 3 vols., 2nd edition, London, 1825; 2nd ser. 4 vols., London, 1827.
    ‘Fisher Works’ – English Works of John Fisher , ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 2 vols., EETS extra ser. 7, London, 1876.
    Grafton, Richard, Chronicle or History of England, 1189 – 1558 , 2 vols., London, 1808.
    ‘Greyfriars Chronicle’ – Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London , ed. John Gough Nichols, CS, London, 1852.
    Hall, Edward, Chronicle containing the History of England … to the end of the Reign of Henry VIII , London, 1809.
    Harpsfield, Nicholas, Life and Death of Sir Thomas More knight , ed. E. V. Hitchcock, EETS, London, 1932.
    Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland , 6 vols., London, 1809.
    Hughes, Paul and Larkin, James, Tudor Royal Proclamations , vol. 1, The Early Tudors, 1485 – 1553 , New Haven and London, 1964.
    Kipling, Gordon (ed.), The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne , EETS, Oxford, 1990.
    Leland, John, De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea , ed. Thomas Hearne, 6 vols., London, 1774.
    ‘Letters Louis XII’ – Lettres due Roya Louis XIII et du Cardinal Georges d’Amboise, avec plusieurs autres lettres, mémoires et instructions écrities depuis 1504 jusques et compris 1514 , ed. J. Godefroy, 4 vols., Brussels, 1712.
    ‘Love Letters’ – Love Letters of Henry VIII , ed. Henry Savage, London, 1949.
    LP … Henry VII , ed. James Gairdner (Rolls ser.), London, 1861.
    LP Henry VIII , 21 vols. and addenda, ed. J. S. Brewer, R. H. Brodie and James Gairdner, London, 1862 – 1920.
    Madden, F.,

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