she was an angel. Maybe some people wouldn’t think of Charleigh as worthy for the cover of Vogue , but, in his opinion, she was perfect. His own, personal share of heaven on earth.
He’d been thinking a lot about what Charleigh had told him about God on their campout the previous weekend. It was a subject Jamie couldn’t completely understand. He was still a little confused, but he couldn’t help thinking that there must be a God out there somewhere, because only something or someone as powerful as Him could bring Charleigh into his life.
He knew he wasn’t nearly deserving enough, and… yet there she was beside him.
Chapter Six
There were so many elaborate details when it came to planning a wedding. So many more ideas, because everyone wanted an input. After a lot of debating, on Jamie’s part at least, Charleigh decided against wearing the cowboy boots with her dress. As much as she would’ve loved to see Claudia’s eyes bug out at the sight— and she knew the woman would seek out and find even the smallest problem— Charleigh wasn’t going to give ole Leatherface the satisfaction of ruining her happy day.
It surprised Charleigh at how involved Jamie was in it all. Ever since Lenore gave him a book that was called Grooms Should Have An Input or something like that, he’d come up with all kinds of wild ideas for the engagement party— which was to take place in four days, on Saturday— the wedding or the reception. Yeah, thanks a bunch, Lenore!
With a half dozen lists on the table in front of her, Charleigh sat at the table with Lenore and Madie, who was busy putting intricate beadwork on her future granddaughter-in-law’s wedding veil. She worked silently, glancing every now and then at the older lady working on a veil she wasn’t even sure she wanted. It was beautiful, but Charleigh had been there, done that, and spent way too much money on a ceremony and reception when the nuptials didn’t last longer than a few hours.
This wedding was going to be simpler but elegant— that was what Charleigh and Jamie had both wanted, until Lenore gave him that stupid book. Now it was turning into a complex issue, and her Nana, who had insisted on a swanky ceremony the first time around, was nowhere to be found.
Luckily, the only hitch Mellisande had had was that she wanted her granddaughter to have a beautiful dress, ‘which is what every bride deserves,’ she’d said when finding out the wonderful news. Charleigh appreciated the assistance, but she just wished that everyone except Jamie would butt out. How am I supposed to tell them that, though? Charleigh brushed the thoughts away and went back to work.
“You know, I like the idea of the white tent for the engagement party,” Lenore said after disconnecting a phone call to the caterers. “It’s fun and easy, and it keeps everyone from getting wet just in case it rains.”
“Don’t say that, please,” Charleigh begged, “It’ll just be something else for Claudia to hold over my head. As if it’s not enough that I’ve stolen her child away, she thinks I’m making him live in a sod house in the middle of nowhere.”
“Is she going to come? I thought after that outburst she had…” Jamie had told his grandmother and great-aunt about what happened when they announced their engagement to his parents. The explosion she had when he called back with the details of the engagement party was even worse.
“ Jamie says she won’t come, but she sure loved watching me squirm in New York. Who’s to say she won’t make the trip to our neck of the woods just to do it again?” Charleigh sat back in her chair, threw her pencil down on the table. “She wants to have a soiree for all of her fellow socialites…”
“… because having them come to Podunk for the wedding is out of the question,” Madie finished the sentence for the younger woman.
“ Yeah, almost exactly what she said. How’d you know?”
“ Same thing Claudia said when she
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