Tallasian and I welcome you to my company.” Talon warmly
    “Argh Tallasian
I have been there many times, the parlours at the docks are
legendary.” replied Bolzar smiling.
    “What town are
you from sir?” asked Talon inquisitively.
    “It’s been a
long time since I was from a town son.”
    “You are
travelling merchants?”
salesman.” replied the big man slightly sarcastic.
    “What do you
trade?” Talon then asked innocently just making conversation.
    Bolzar suddenly
looked sternly at Talon while Zephils face looked on in surprise,
almost immediately Talon felt the atmosphere turn tense and he
noticed other men looking at him. Zephil sneered at one of them who
in turn quickly turned away. Talon’s intuition quickly told him
that he had made a mistake, it was now very obvious that these two
men were very well known and probably smugglers who dealt in stolen
or illegal items.
    “Sir forgive me
if I have offended you, my question was one of conversation and not
inquiry, I am new to these parts and naive to many customs and
traditions in many parts of Kratos.”
    The slim man
looked deep into Talon’s eyes as Talon held the gaze.
    “We trade in
cattle!” He answered now with a little more respect though is
answer was obviously a lie.
    “What of your
business stranger, why are you in this stinking town?” he added
    “I am
travelling to Kallick Town where I am to be enlisted into the Royal
guard. ” Talon hesitantly replied.
    The two men
gazed nervously at one another before they both gathered their
drinks and began to rise to their feet.
    “Will you not
finish your drink with me?” Talon asked as he felt slightly
insulted at their sudden response.
    “No we shall
decline!” Said Bolzar sternly.
    “We don’t drink
with Imperialist scum!” The big man shouted as he leaned heavily
onto the table forcing it to tilt and spill Talon’s drink. Talon
jumped out of the way from his spilling drink and he became aware
that the other patrons in the tavern were beginning to laugh at
    The smaller man
then grabbed his friends arm and pulled him away from Talon and
towards the door. Talon stood motionless as the two men left the
tavern to the pleasure of the crowd. Suddenly he felt his
adrenaline start to rush and he soon became deeply offended and
angry when he overheard one of the patrons saying “he wants to be a
big soldier” which was obviously a mock.
    Talon swiftly
gathered his bag as the crowd’s mocks and laughter became louder
and headed towards the door with determined look upon his face.
Once Talon was outside he urgently tried to see where the two men
who had insulted him had gone.
    He saw the big
one about twenty paces from him “You sir!” He called out loudly,
enough for everyone to hear.
    The big man
turned quickly only to laugh when he saw that it was Talon.
    “You sir owe me
an apology and the price of a drink!” Talon demanded.
    The big man
laughed out loudly,
    “Or what?” he
said mockingly as he played to the crowd.
    “Or I shall be
forced to beat you.” Talon calmly replied.
laughter suddenly subdued and his body tensed as his persona
changed to anger, Talon noted his anger.
Imperialist!” He shouted as he pointed to the middle of the muddy
    “Let’s see you
beat me then.” he added in a roar like shout. Patrons from the
tavern had now all filtered out into the road and waited eagerly
for Talon’s reply.
    Talon swiftly
threw off his heavy coat and placed his bag on top of it before
hastily and confidently walking over to the spot where Zephil had
    “Come on little
man, let me break you.” Zephil shouted.
    Talon noted
that the large man had not even bothered to take off his flowing
desert gown and that his anger had increased and now turned into
    “I am going to
teach you some manners!” Talon smirked as he purposely tried to
enrage the man even more “To lose control in order to gain control
can only

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