Zelazny, Roger - Novel 07

Zelazny, Roger - Novel 07 by Bridge of Ashes Page A

Book: Zelazny, Roger - Novel 07 by Bridge of Ashes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bridge of Ashes
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to find out."
                   "I cannot give you any assurance—"
                   "Then I may not be able to give you any
                   "Withholding evidence is a serious
matter. Especially in a case like this."
                   "My first duty, as I see it, is to my
patient. For that matter, though, I am not even certain this comes under the
heading of evidence. I do not believe there has ever been a case involving
anything of this sort."
                   Robertson sighed.
                   "Let's not quibble over the
legalities," he said. "The man has shot two governors. One is dead
and the other may not make it through the night. He is a member of a radical eco
group which includes violence as part of its program. He is running around
loose now and you admit Dennis can follow him. If you refuse to cooperate, we
can bring in a telepath of our own to monitor Dennis. You are not at all that
                   "Mr. Robertson, there are very clear
legal precedents in that area. You would be invading his privacy in the highest
                   "He is a minor. Parental consent is all
that is required, and you are not his parent."
                   He looked at Vicki, who clasped her hands very
tightly and turned toward Lydia .
                   "Dennis would be hurt if they hurt the
man?" she said.
                   "I think so."
                   "Then I do not give my consent," she
said. "I am sorry, Mr. Robertson."
                   "Inasmuch as your husband started this,
it is possible that he will give us the release."
                   Vicki's hands suddenly relaxed.
                   "If he does," she said, "I will
never speak to him again. I will leave and take Dennis with me."
                   Robertson bowed his head.
                   "I am not trying to be
unreasonable," he said. "Can you tell me how I could possibly
guarantee what you are asking? We want him alive. We want to question him. We
want to learn as much about his group as we can. We are going to try to take
him alive. But men will shoot in self-defense. Even then, they would try not to
kill him. But it is possible. He could be killed You try to be reasonable. If
you give us exact information concerning him, it will up our chances of landing
him whole. What else can I offer you?"
                   "Very well," said Lydia . "You make some sense. What you can do
then is communicate all this to whatever field agents get involved in the
                   "Done," he said. "I will
personally talk with them at whatever office gets involved. You can listen to
what I say. Fair enough?"
                   Lydia looked at Vicki.
                   Go ahead, Vicki indicated.
                   "All right," Lydia began. "He is in Colorado . . ."
                   It was still dark when I awoke. I was very
thirsty, and my shoulder was throbbing. It took me several moments to recall
what had happened. I leaned forward then and located the water bottle. I rubbed
my eyes, ran my hands through my hair, took another drink.
                   I pushed the curtain aside and looked out the
window. Rocks, fenceposts, sandy soil…
                   I checked my watch: 4:35 .
                   “Would you pull over somewhere?" I called
out "My bladder's busting."
                   He stopped and let me out. I went over to the
                   "How much longer till the next
switchpoint?" I asked him.
                   "Half an hour. Maybe less. We're supposed
to meet around five."
                   I grunted.
                   "How are you holding up?" he asked.
                   "I'll be okay," I said.

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