Zombie Dawn Outbreak

Zombie Dawn Outbreak by Michael G. Thomas

Book: Zombie Dawn Outbreak by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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emblazoned with the company markings. The aircraft was a four-bladed, twin-engine, medium-lift utility helicopter that was used by both military and civilian operators.
    It was sat outside the centre on the landing pad. About a dozen heavily armed men, each wearing high tech body armour and helmets were moving around it, some of them firing at targets outside the compound. The remainder stormed inside the building through the smashed entrance. About a dozen shots fired along with what sounded like heavier weapons.
    “Thank God for that, they must be the evac team,” she whispered to herself.
    She hit the button to bring up the corridor outside her room. It showed the infected moving towards the elevator. They looked agitated but more importantly, they were far enough away from the sealed access door to the stairwell. If she was quick she might be able to use the arrival of the men as a diversion.
    The creatures on the lower stairwell must have heard the commotion because the banging on the door started to get louder. A splinter of material tore off to reveal a gap the size of a fist. Blood dripped down it as the creatures continued to smash flesh and bone at the door. Another hand appeared, the bloodied fingers tearing at the material. At this rate they would be through in just a few minutes.
    Making a quick decision she decided it was time to leave. Grabbing her rifle she left the terminal and made straight for the doorway that led to the corridor. Opening it a crack she checked on the creatures. As expected they were all up near the elevator and banging on the smashed glass and control panel. It was only a matter of time before they hit the correct key and moved themselves up to the top floor. Before she could get any further in her escape the door to the lower stairwell smashed open. The creatures having finally ripped their way through it poured inside. The leading creatures fell down, the weight of numbers behind them pushing over them as they swarmed into the control room. Ignoring them, Dr Garcia threw open the door and ran down the corridor. She had no choice now. It was either run or be killed. As she reached the secure doorway to the upper stairwell she was finally spotted by some of the things at the elevator. They turned and wailed at her, drawing her to the attention of the rest.
    Dr Garcia put in the emergency override combination and swung the door open just in time to avoid being grabbed by the creatures. She tried to shut the door but it was too late, the number of them pushing at the door made it impossible. Abandoning it she ran up the staircase and towards the foyer. As she came closer to the ground floor above her the sound of boots and gunfire became louder. She opened the door as quickly as she could and moved out into the foyer. It was exactly as it looked on the camera, apart from the corners of the room where the angle of the cameras stopped them from seeing into the shadows. She could see what had kept the guards occupied, as there were dozens of the creatures, some stood and others climbing out from behind smashed terminals. Two of the guards moved towards her, moving in quickly to protect her and not a moment too soon. The door to the stairwell burst open and the horde poured into the room.
    The leader of the security team moved close to her, “Dr Garcia?” he asked.
    She nodded, too exhausted and shocked to say much more.
    “I’m Security Chief Hans, I have orders to evacuate you and any survivors to The Moreau,” he explained.
    The other members of the team formed a defensive line in front of them as they emptied bullets into the creatures. Though they were able to force them back, the creatures seemed to be able to sustain awful injuries before finally dying.
    “Come on!” ordered Hans, holding out his hand to her.
    Dr Garcia held on as the group rushed out through the smashed door and into the snow covered parking area. The helicopter was a short distance away but there were also a

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