Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Page B

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
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messed up world no matter how much we pray. I just deal with
whatever comes my way, and I am thankful for you and your men for showing up
when you did. I would still be trying to block off that bridge. You and your men helped
us get more food and weapons so we could live here, and be safe. I everyone here I
consider as family, you and your men are part of our family.
Paul said that he considers everyone here as family also. I am just hoping that their
military. If they are I can go and talk to them to find out what is going on.
I though you said that they would kill and one and everyone that got to close to the
They might but if I can drive up there in a military vehicle they just might not shoot
me, but on the other hand they just might kill me.
I told him to wait until we get more info on what’s going on there, then we can come
up with a plan.
He agreed with me, and said that he was going to go and get some sleep.
I told him that I was going to do the same.
    The next day came and I was in the office, going over who we were going to send
back to DC. When Mark came in, he used to build computers for a living. He was
telling me that one of the people on his team, said that they might be going back to
DC. He said that he heard that they were going to take a sap phone. Mark was telling
me that he could hook up a sap phone to some laptops, and they could send pictures
back to us. I asked him how long would it take to do this?
Mark said that it would only take a few minutes to do it. He also told me that we have
laptops in the school computer room.
I told him to go and get everything he needs to do this.
    Paul came in a few minutes later, I told him what mark was going to do.
Paul said that would be perfect so he could see everything. He asked me if they could
send video also?
I told him that I don’t know but we could ask Mark when he gets back. He told me
that it wouldn’t take long to hook everything up.
Paul said that the one he was sending from his team was corporal Smith he is also a
computer nut.
Just as Paul finish talking Mark walk through the door.
Paul asked him if they could send video back to us?
Mark told him that it was possible but it’s going to eat up the battery faster, unless they
have a way to charge it back up.
Paul asked if a hand crank generator would charge it?
Mark said that it would but it might take some time to do so.
I spoke up and send so we have a plan then, now we just need to find out who we are
going to send.
    Mia came into the office and asked if we were ever going to come out of the office, it
is lunch time you all need to eat?
Paul and I at the same time what’s for lunch?
She said the last of the ham burgers and some french fries.
We told her that we would be there in a few minutes to save us some, as she walked
out of the door I heard her mumble I will just bring it to you two.
Paul and I went back doing what we were doing, it wasn’t long before we figured out
who we were sending. We were getting up to go eat why Mai came in with the food.
    I asked Mia if she could go and get corporal Smith, Ben, Jess, Frank, and Tina to
come to the office?
She told me that she could do that, and that Mark was going to ask if he could go also.
I told her to have Mark come as well.
She said that Mark was just outside the door.
Then send him in I replied.
Mark came in to the office, I told him that I needed him to stay here to work the
computer and sap phone.
I would like to go with them so I can help them with the laptop just in case something
go’s wrong I can fix it.
Paul told him that he was sending someone from his team that can do that.
    Everyone I had Mia go and get, came to the office we told them that they were going
to be leaving in the morning at first light. We told them what we wanted them to do,
and what we were looking for in the pictures and videos. We said that they needed to
send us reports every other day.
Paul told them to go and get some sleep they are going to

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