Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
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We are going to do this without making a lot of noise. Tc laid down on his belly, as he
looked through the scope. He would take in a deep breath, as he let his breath out
slowly he would squeeze the trigger. With every shot he took out a zombies one by one
they dropped. Tc had killed every one of those zombies, and it only took him about ten
minutes. When he got down off the truck I told him that, you need to meet my
daughter she is also a good shot. He said I would like that.
    We all got back into the truck and headed closer to the store. We saw that the door
was open. Paul looked at me.
I thought we closed it when we left.
I told him that when we ran out as fast as we did, no one shut it.
He replied shit I thought that I closed the door. I hope that none of the zombies went
into the store.
I said that if there is any in there that we can take care of them.
We all got out of the truck, and just like yesterday he told him men you know what you
need to do. They headed to where they were, we moved slowly into the store. We could
smell the rotting bodies, so we knew that some made it into the store. Paul said we
need to split up in to two groups. He said that we would take one group with him, and
told me to talk the other group. He pointed for me to go to the right and that he would
go left.
Paul said that we should meet up in the back of the store by the shoe dept.
I said to him, ok let’s do this.
We started to head out I was to head to where all the food was in the store. The doctor
was with me.
The doctor asked me why am I going this way, I was told that I would go to the
pharmacy with someone to get mads. to take back home.
I told him that was the plan but some zombies got in here we need to take care of
them, before we take you to the pharmacy.
Oh ok the doc. replied.
    I spotted just a few zombies up by the check out, I had Willie and Robert sneak
around to try to stab them in the head so we were not making a lot of noise. They went
around one side to get the zombies that were there. I went around the other side to get
the ones that were there. Just like well oil machine. We then moved to the frozen food
I had Robert get up on the freezers to look around.
He let me know where all to zombies were. He could also see Paul and his group.
Robert asked Willie for the rifle with the silencer, Paul and his group are going to
walk right in front of three zombies. Robert set the rifle on his left knee. He looks
through the scope and took out the first one, the zombie fell about ten feet in front of
Paul. Paul jumps back as Robert takes out the other two. Paul looks up and spots
Robert on the top of the freezers, and gives a thumbs up. I had Robert stay up there to
kill any other zombies he sees. It took us around three to four to get the store cleared
out. Paul had him men open up the back loading bay, so we could load the truck with
food, clothing, tools, and whet ever we could find to take with us.
    We packed the truck trailer full, we could not even fit a tooth pick in there. Paul had
two of his men bring the truck around to the front of the store. He told them to stay
there and wait for the rest of us to come around and we would all leave together to go
home. Walking through the store it was almost picked clean about the only things that
were left were the racks and shelves that the food sat on, and all the frozen meats that
were no good. We even took the chips, and the clothing that had zombie brains on
them, we can wash them. Paul said that he was going to close everything up nice and
tight so nothing can get in there. We can us this place as a backup if something ever
happened. I agreed with him and I helped him lock everything down. He gave me a
key and said that we would be the only two to have the keys to get back in here. We
jumped in the trucks and headed home it was almost dinner time.
    Paul had the truck with everything in it follow behind us, so we could keep tabs on
it. We were almost back,

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