Longbows, Composite Bows, and Other Classics
Used since ancient times, the bow is a classic weapon of defense. However, more traditional versions were hard to use or required the strength of one or many people to fire. Nevertheless, they have historically had their uses. During medieval times, the English longbow, which could pierce armor, was used to win many battles. It was this weapon that allowed them to beat the French at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. The Mongols developed the first composite bow, which was light and accurate, enabling them to shoot accurately at enemies while on horseback. However, most of these historical examples require too much strength and skill, combined with little firing
accuracy, and are therefore not recommended.
Contemporary bows are much more reliable than ancient prototypes, and they are much easier to use. However, they still require an inordinate amount of strength and training to use effectively when compared to many weapons. They do have some benefits. Generally, most arrows can be used again and again, unlike gun ammunition. They are also much quieter than most projective weapons, and can be as accurate as a gun if used correctly. However, the chance of contamination is high. Removing the arrow from a zombie can bring the user into contact with unwanted blood or other fluids. It also takes much longer to reload and shoot, thereby increasing chances of being bitten or scratched while using. They can be used in some of the same situations as handguns, but cannot be used at such short range. They also lack the long range capabilities of most rifles.
Because of the skill needed, the possibility of contamination, and the long re-load time, this weapon is not recommended for most users as a first choice for killing zombies. However, because the ammo can be used repeatedly, and because it can be made by the user with little practice (through flintknapping), it would be a good idea to practice with this weapon in case other projectile weapons become unavailable or unusable in the zombie apocalypse future.
Crossbows are an excellent option for the bow-friendly user who lacks the skill for the more traditional models. Like traditional bows, they have many positive aspects: they are silent, and their ammo can be re-used. However, they also have additional benefits. They have a good firing range, and their ease of use makes this weapon and excellent option for someone who wants to kill zombies from long-range distances. They also have a lot of force and can bring down larger or stronger zombies that other weapons may not kill or slow down. Crossbows can be used in place of a sniper rifle in some situations, and they can be a much better option due to their lack of sound.
Crossbows, both the single and repeating varieties, were thought to have originated in ancient China. Their use later spread to Greece, Rome, and eventually medieval Europe, where they were used in both military procedures and assassination attempts. They use metal bolts rather than arrows, and were more accurate and sturdy than most bows of the time period. However, some argue that the harder to use longbow was more accurate. Because they were so easy to learn to use (most sources indicate that a soldier could learn to use one effectively in a week), they were eventually banned from battle by the Pope (though he did not monitor their actual use). This was because of the unfair advantage they bestowed over better-trained soldiers who we lesser equipped.
Crossbows also have some serious drawbacks. Like other bows, they take a long time to re-load. In fact, their reload time is slightly longer than other bows, so there is a great chance of being injured or contaminated by zombies when using at close range. Your best bet is to use this as a long range weapon for killing zombies, rather than for hand-to-hand combat.
A final note:
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