1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh Page A

Book: 1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kavanagh
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I’ve trusted you with this confidential information, you must never discuss it with anyone, not even me.’
    Laura nodded, chastened. She was shocked. Clearly his job required him to keep others in the dark about his life. She felt upset at being kept out of such an important part of his life, but she could also acknowledge that there would be good reasons for him to keep quiet. A talkative wife, or a nasty ex-wife, could compromise an agent’s position, destroying years of credibility that he’d built up. And already Jeff had trouble trusting people.
    ‘W – what if I need to contact you?’
    ‘You already have my mobile number. But only ever call me in the direst of emergencies.’
    Having assured her that he was well enough to go back to work, Jeff left the apartment.
    After he’d gone, Laura began mulling over all that her husband had told her. She felt a frisson of delight at the thought of Jeff doing such important work for national security. He was her very own personal James Bond! It seemed such a glamorous – and also dangerous – life, and now she was part of it. Had she been secretly vetted herself? No wonder Jeff always seemed tense and worried lately. He obviously had a lot of responsibilities that she knew nothing about. She’d be kinder, and more supportive, and eventually she’d prove to him that he could trust her.
    Laura also felt a sense of relief. She had wondered why Jeff only had a few acquaintances at the wedding, and didn’t seem to have any close friends with whom he socialised. She hadn’t voiced these thoughts to anyone else, but she suspected that Kerry had been wondering about his lack of friends, too. Now she finally understood why.
    Unable to contain her excitement, Laura was in the pub early, and had already brought their drinks to the table by the time Kerry arrived.
    ‘How’s Jeff?’ Kerry asked anxiously as she settled into the cosy booth. ‘Really, I’d have been just as happy if you’d cancelled, and stayed home to look after your husband.’
    Laura laughed. ‘Oh, Jeff’s fine,’ she said. ‘He even went back to work this afternoon, and he’s working late this evening, too!’
    Kerry looked at her friend in surprise. She could also see that Laura was giddy with excitement, and bursting to tell her something.
    ‘Come on, I know that look of yours!’ Kerry told her, smiling. ‘What’s happened? You’re like a hen on a hot griddle – out with it!’
    Jeff had warned her not to tell anyone, but Laura knew she could trust her best friend. She looked all around her. Assured that there was no one sitting near enough to overhear, she turned to Kerry and lowered her voice. ‘You must promise me that you’ll never repeat this to anyone –’
    Kerry nodded, looking intrigued.
    Laura looked around again before speaking, then she beckoned Kerry to come closer. ‘Jeff’s not actually a stockbroker – he works for MI5,’ she told her. ‘That’s why he couldn’t tell me the truth – because the work he does is top secret!’
    Kerry raised an eyebrow. She didn’t believe a word of it. But if Laura chose to be gullible, it wasn’t up to her to disillusion her. MI5 indeed. She wondered what exactly Jeff was up to. She’d been meaning to do some research on Mr Jones – now it was definitely time to do so. She was still worried that Jeff might be after Laura’s fortune.
    ‘Of course, I’m sworn to secrecy, so promise me you’ll never mention this to anyone!’ Laura added worriedly. ‘I’m only telling you because you’re my closest friend.’
    ‘My lips are sealed,’ Kerry said noncommittally.

    E llie was excited. Today was the day that Alan was going to end his marriage.
    ‘I’m going to ask Sylvia for a divorce,’ he’d told her determinedly as they’d lain together the afternoon before. ‘This morning I paid off the final instalment of the loan from Sylvia’s father, so I don’t owe Dick Morgan anything any more. I’ve approached

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