1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh

Book: 1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kavanagh
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did he go? And where did he get the money they lived on? They had an expensive flat in a prestigious part of the city, filled with beautiful, antique furniture and a state-of-the-art kitchen – all originally owned and paid for by Jeff.
    Checking her watch, she grabbed her car keys and headed out of the apartment. It was time to collect Jeff from the hospital and bring him home.
    In the hospital, Jeff was already dressed when Laura arrived.
    She hugged him fiercely. ‘I’d thought I’d lost you!’ she told him, tears in her eyes.
    ‘I was a bit worried myself!’ Jeff admitted. ‘What the hell happened to my adrenaline pen?’
    ‘I found it this morning – in one of your shoes,’ Laura told him, taking out the pen and handing it to him. ‘You must have thought you were putting it in your suit pocket, but it fell to the floor instead.’
    Jeff’s face darkened. ‘But I know I brought it with me! I remember checking that it was in my pocket while we were in the taxi, on our way to the restaurant!’
    Laura kissed his angry face. ‘Well, you were obviously wrong,’ she told him. ‘Anyway, let’s hope nothing like thisever happens again. I couldn’t bear to lose you –’ her cheeks dimpled ‘–especially now that there might be a new addition to our family …’
    Jeff’s face lit up. ‘What? Are you telling me you’re pregnant?’
    Laura smiled. ‘Well, I’ve missed my period this month, so I think it’s quite possible.’
    Jeff kissed her enthusiastically. ‘That’s wonderful news!’
    Laura silenced him with a finger to his lips. ‘Let’s not jump to any conclusions yet,’ she urged him. ‘I’ll make an appointment with the doctor, and get one of those pregnancy testing kits. I want to be sure before we tell anyone.’
    Jeff nodded, but he was unable to contain his delight. ‘I’m going to be a father!’ he whooped. ‘We’re going to be a family at last!’
    Back at the apartment, Jeff was still in a state of excitement at the news Laura had imparted to him. ‘I’m going to be a father!’ he kept repeating, a smile of incredulity on his face.
    Laura was feeling upbeat too, and a new and exciting future was beckoning. Soon, she’d tell Jeff about all the money she’d inherited. After all, it didn’t feel right to keep such information from the man she loved. Kerry was worrying unnecessarily.
    ‘By the way, I tried to ring your office this morning,’ she told him. ‘I thought it only fair to let them know why you wouldn’t be in today. I looked them up in the telephone book, and Googled Denham, Goodwood & Clayton. But they weren’t listed anywhere.’
    Jeff grimaced. ‘Ah,’ he said, looking at the floor.
    Laura stared at him expectantly. There was definitely something amiss, and she was suddenly frightened. The silence from Jeff seemed to confirm her worst fears.
    He began pacing up and down the room. Then he thought better of it and sat down, lowering his voice as he spoke.
    ‘Look, I’m going to have to trust you. But if you ever tell this to anyone, you could be putting my life in danger. And yours, too.’
    Laura’s heart began to thud painfully.
    Jeff glanced around the room, as though to ensure that no one could hear what he was about to say.
    ‘Look, the truth is – I’m not a stockbroker. I work for MI5.’
    Laura’s mouth dropped open. ‘What? Are you being serious, Jeff?’
    ‘You probably wondered why I didn’t have any work colleagues at the wedding,’ Jeff explained. ‘Now you know. Undercover agents can’t risk having their cover blown.’ He looked at her angrily. ‘You must never tell anyone what I’ve told you.’
    Laura nodded. ‘Of course not. But surely you could have told me? I’m your wife!’
    ‘No, I couldn’t – lives depend on the kind of work I do. I had to sign an oath never to tell anyone.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘No MI5 operative ever tells their family. I’d never have told you if you hadn’t gone digging. And now that

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