1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh Page B

Book: 1848453051 by Linda Kavanagh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kavanagh
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the bank for working capital, so it should all be plain sailing from now on.’
    Ellie’s heart had soared with joy.
    ‘I’d also prefer to split from Sylvia sooner rather than later,’ Alan added. ‘It’ll be easier for Pete to adjust while he’s still too young to understand what’s involved.’
    ‘But you’ll make sure to see him regularly?’ Ellie asked, more than willing to make this small concession, now that she was gaining a much bigger one.
    ‘Of course,’ Alan replied, flashing her a grateful smile.
    As he held her close, she revelled in his nearness, his smell, his masculinity. She was so excited to think that soon he’d be hers completely!
    Excited, Ellie watched from the window as Alan’s car drove in at the gate and up the driveway. As it disappeared from view, she waited anxiously while he parked it out of sight, behind the house. It was just occurring to her that, from now on, he wouldn’t need to hide his car any more. They’d be a proper couple, and they could be seen together at last. They could shop together, eat out together, go to the theatre together …
    Briefly, she thought of Tony Coleman, who was still inviting her to the cinema every time she met him in the village. There had been times when she’d actually considered saying yes. The nights when Alan wasn’t around were long and lonely, and sometimes she longed for some adult company. Besides, a trip to the cinema would have served as cover for her affair if she’d been seen publicly with Tony. Now, of course, there would be no need for any cover ever again! In fact, she couldn’t wait for everyone to know that she was about to become Mrs Thornton!
    She felt a brief pang of guilt for poor Sylvia, who must, by now, be reeling in shock. But Ellie couldn’t afford to feel sorry for anyone – it was her special time at last, and she couldn’t wait to tell the world that she and Alan were finally going to be together.
    Anxiously, Ellie hovered at the door, wondering why Alan was taking so long to come inside. Today, of all days, she’d expected him to come bounding through the door, since he was finally coming to her as a free man. Usually there was an urgency in his stride, since both of them would be anticipating the joys of making love together.
    But something was different today. As Alan stepped into the hall, his shoulders were slumped and he seemed reluctant to face her. She had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.
    He gave her a sad smile as they embraced. ‘Oh, my darling, darling love,’ he whispered, as he held her tight.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, almost afraid to know the answer, but needing to know it anyway.
    ‘It’s the factory,’ he answered, and she was relieved that it wasn’t an accident.
    ‘Well, if no one’s dead, it can’t be that bad,’ she said, smiling to lighten to atmosphere.
    He looked grave. ‘But I’m afraid it’s bad news for us,’ he replied. ‘My negotiations with the bank have fallen through – I thought they were happy with my business plan, but they’ve refused point blank to lend me the money I need for expansion. So I’d no other option but to go to Sylvia’s father again for another large cash injection.’
    She bit her lip, knowing exactly what that meant.
    ‘I’m sorry, love – I can’t possibly ask Sylvia for a divorce now. Not while I’m taking her father’s money.’
    Ellie buried her face in his jacket so that he couldn’t see her tears. She knew how difficult things were for him, and she didn’t want to add to his burden. But her own dreams were being put on hold yet again.
    ‘I know this is awful for you, love, but please remember that I’m torn too,’ he whispered. ‘Although I’m not in love with Sylvia any more, I do care about her, and I respect her.’ He kissed her nose. ‘But none of us can help who we fall in love with. That first day I met you, I instantly fell head over heels for you.’ He held her away from him and gazed at

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