A Blued Steel Wolfe

A Blued Steel Wolfe by Michael Erickston

Book: A Blued Steel Wolfe by Michael Erickston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Erickston
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he pointed to several spots on his makeshift map. The spots he pointed out provided cover and concealment for their approach. He then looked at each squad leader for confirmation of his orders.
    “Roger that, sir,” said Sergeant Smithson, the First Squad Leader.
    “Understood, Ell Tee,” replied Sergeant Grimes of Third Squad.
    “Yes, sir,” Sergeant Jackson confirmed with a nod for Fourth Squad.
    “Good copy. Mount up, Rangers. We have some tangos to kill. Hooah?” Justin said.
    “Hooah, sir,” the men of Wolfe’s Hunters replied as one.
    They advanced silently, keeping low as they approached the cover and concealment points. Second Squad, led by Staff Sergeant Juan Delgado snuck through the wash to their right and crept quietly up the ridge to their position. He directed his SAW gunners to their positions, and took his own position in the middle.
    His men knew fire discipline already. The SAWs had the highest rate of fire of any light machine gun used by the United States Military, so fire discipline was very important with them, especially.
    When he was in position, he popped squelch twice to let the rest of the platoon know. Justin popped squelch once in acknowledgment. The support squad aimed down their sights, ready to open fire on their lieutenant’s signal.
    Justin used his binoculars in the dying light to survey the sentries set up around the enemy camp. He wanted to do this quick and clean, so he gave orders to his assault squad leaders on their designated fields of fire. Each man acknowledged the orders, and LT Wolfe prepared to give the final order.
    Then he heard fire coming from the direction of the support line, but it wasn’t M-4 or SAW fire. His blood went cold as he recognized the distinctive staccato of AK-47s.
    “First Squad, with me!” he shouted at his men. Then he addressed his platoon sergeant. “Sergeant Gonzales, take the rest of the platoon through the assault. We’re going to help Second Squad. The rest of you take that camp down! Go. Go! GO!”
    The Rangers followed orders, sprinting forward to each cover point they recognized, firing on the run when they had a shot. The Taliban soldiers returned fire, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the attacking Rangers.
    Meanwhile, Justin and First Squad moved at a dead sprint for the wash. The bursts from SAWs fired back at the enemy that had somehow approached the support line without anyone’s knowledge. M-4 Carbine fire joined the SAWs as Second Squad fought back. As First Squad rounded the ridge, they spotted a large force of Taliban firing on Delgado’s men. Where did they come from ? Justin asked himself, even as he brought his rifle up and targeted the first enemy soldier he saw.
    First Squad fired into the enemy’s flank, taking down twelve of the tangos before they could react. They fell prone and continued to fire into the enemy unit, even as the remaining Taliban dove for cover of their own.
    A quick glance at Second Squad confirmed Justin’s concerns, though. Over half the squad was down, and the remaining men barely made it over the ridgeline to relative cover from their attackers.
    Over in the camp, Sergeant First Class Gonzales and the two squads under his command finished dealing with the enemy there. With all tangos down, he gave the order to back up Second Squad and the Ell Tee. With that now in mind, they moved towards the support line to reinforce their position.
    The firefight became furious as the larger Taliban force fought back from cover, but the Rangers sniped at them every time they broke cover to return fire. Shot at from two different directions, they lost men quickly in the Rangers’ ad-hoc killzone. The overlapping fields of fire took their toll, and the Rangers shot down every tango that tried to retreat.
    One tango tried jumped up to throw a grenade, but fell as the live explosive rolled out of his hand. The ensuing blast blew the remaining Taliban to kingdom come.
    “Cease fire!” Justin commanded

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