A Life of Joy

A Life of Joy by Amy Clipston

Book: A Life of Joy by Amy Clipston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clipston
Tags: Fiction, General, Christian
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    “Ya, they get along well.”
    “You don’t have to talk Dutch to me.” Jessica lifted a chocolate chip cookie from the plate. “You want anything?”
    “No, thanks.” Lindsay folded her arms across her chest. “I see the desserts all week, so they don’t really tempt me anymore. What did you want to talk about?”
    “New York,” Jessica said. “I want to propose something to you.”
    Lindsay faced her sister. “This should be good.”
    “It is, actually.” She smiled. “What if I made you a deal?”
    “A deal?” Lindsay eyed her sister with cynicism.
    “I know I drive you crazy when I tell you that you have to stop pretending to be Amish.”
    Lindsay bit back a groan.
    “I’ll promise to stop saying that if you do something for me.”
    “What?” Lindsay asked. “Come with me to New York.”
    “What?” Lindsay stood. “Are you crazy?” Her voice transformed into a high-pitched squeak as resentment coursed through her.
    “No, I’m not.” She motioned for Lindsay to sit. “Calm down and hear me out.”
    Lindsay lowered herself into the chair next to the swing while still scowling. “I don’t like the sound of this at all.”
    Jessica rolled her eyes. “Just listen,” she huffed. “I know you think that this is all you’ll ever want.” She gestured around the porch. “But I don’t think so.”
    “Jess —”
    “Wait.” Jessica held up a finger, silencing her. “I’ve asked you to hear me out.”
    Lindsay shook her head. Her sister would never understand her.
    “I’m worried about you, Lindsay.”
    “Worried?” Lindsay gave a bark of laughter.
    “Yes, worried.” Jessica nodded with emphasis. “I’m afraid that in a few years you’ll wish you’d made different choices.You’ll wish you’d finished high school and gone to college. You can’t get these years back, Linds. You’re only young once.”
    “We’ve been through this,” Lindsay said, enunciating the words.
    “I know, I know,” Jessica said. “That’s why I want you to come with me and spend the summer in New York. You can see if you still feel the same way about the farm and living here when you get back.”
    “I don’t need a summer in a strange city to know that my purpose in life is here.” Lindsay tapped the arm of the chair. “I belong here , Jessica.”
    “You know that for sure?” Jessica looked unconvinced.
    “Yes, I do.”
    Jessica folded her arms across the front of her T-shirt. “How do you know?”
    “I know here.” Lindsay pointed to her chest. “In my heart.”
    “But you’re worth more than this.” Jessica touched Lindsay’s hand, and Lindsay pulled it back. “You should be packing up and going to college somewhere and studying a subject that brings you joy, as Dad used to say.”
    “This life brings me joy,” Lindsay said. “I love being a part of this family and working in the bakery. I have obligations here.” She gestured toward the barn. “This is where I want to be. In fact, I’m considering joining the church.”
    “No, no, no.” Jessica looked disappointed. “Don’t say that.” She took Lindsay’s hand in hers. “Come with me to New York. I can get you a job at the firm where I’m working.”
    “No!” Lindsay pulled her hand back. “Why would I want to work in an accounting firm? I hate numbers, and I was never good at school.”
    “You sell yourself short. You can do anything that you set your mind to. I’ll explain that you’ve been hiding away with the Amish as a way to deal with our parents’ death, and they’ll understand. They’ll take pity on you and give you a job. I’m sure of it.”
    “What?” Lindsay stood in front of her sister and gestured widely. “Is that what you think of me? You think I’ve just been hiding away here and avoiding my grief for Mom and Dad? That is not true, Jessica! It’s not true at all!”
    Jessica glanced at something behind her. “Lindsay, just calm down, okay?”
    “No, I will not calm down.”

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