A Life Unplanned

A Life Unplanned by Rose Von Barnsley

Book: A Life Unplanned by Rose Von Barnsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Von Barnsley
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We usually didn't have dessert. Trent came down the stairs in a skin-tight shirt. His body looked glorious. I wanted to slap myself for thinking that.
    "Have you been working out, Son?" his father asked.
    "No, you've been dieting," he smirked.
    Roger looked at his wife for confirmation. "I've lost weight?"
    Maylene just giggled and kissed his cheek. "Your blood pressure came back a little high your last visit, remember?"
    He looked at the fridge like it would have the answer. It was comical, really. I guess it was a testament to Maylene's culinary skills that he hadn't noticed the difference.
    Trent took a seat next to Tyler with a dinner plate. "Hey, buddy, I see you have your lifejacket on. Are you going fishing with your grandpa tomorrow?"
    I nearly snapped at him for calling Roger his grandfather, but my dad piped up with, "He sure is."
    Maylene must have been excited to have us come, because the bathroom they had for Tyler and I to use had a rubber ducky theme with a mess of toys in it. I usually had a hard time getting him into the tub, but as soon as he saw the setup, he was in it in a heartbeat, and I had a hard time getting him out.
    Trent had come into the bathroom with us and was thoroughly soaked from playing with the toys as well. He was trying to coax Tyler out of the tub with the promise of more toys and a bedtime story. When we crossed the hall to his room, I was floored. Maylene had taken the Elmo theme to the extreme. Tyler had been upset about taking off his lifejacket, until he saw the bathroom. He had been reaching for it, wanting it back on, until Trent showed him his Elmo pajamas.
    "I brought clothes for him," I complained.
    "Mom wanted to spoil him. She was really excited to have you all come. She wanted to make sure you had a great time so you'd return."
    I looked away, not sure what to say. It was very nice here, but I didn't really have a reason to visit Livingston. I was only here for the ultrasound.
    I knew Trent picked up on that, because his smile faltered a little. He recovered, tucking Tyler in and read to him until he fell asleep.
    We stepped out into the hall. "Have you seen your room?" he asked, pointing to the door across the way.
    "I haven't had a chance yet."
    He opened the door for me. The room was done up in a deep burgundy and rosy pink. There was a little bassinette in the corner of the room. The bottom of it was overflowing with baby supplies. "Did your mom make up this room for your sister-in-law and Charlotte?" I hoped.
    He shook his head no. "Meredith and Trevor's room is at the other end of the hall."
    That was what I was afraid of.
    "So, in the morning, I'll be here for breakfast. Our dads are taking Tyler fishing, and our moms are doing…honestly, I don't know what they're doing, but mine said they'd be busy with something, and she was wearing a grin that made me nervous."
    I giggled at the face he made when he said that. I'd seen the pair of them chatting with mischievous smiles earlier. He was right to be worried.
    I think my mother had actually been in on getting me down here, because when I asked her about painting the kitchen, she waved me off, confessing she hadn't even picked a color yet. She most likely used that excuse, just in case I was asking them to do something else…the troublemakers.
    "After breakfast, I'll take you down to the clinic, and we'll have a look at our little girl."
    I didn't correct him. I felt guilty for some reason over disappointing him by not wanting to come back here, so I let him call her ours.
    His behavior towards us had changed so drastically, it was confusing. I knew he was still hesitant around me, walking on eggshells, but he seemed to really want to be involved with Tyler in any way I'd let him. I hadn't invited him into the bathroom for bath time, he had just sort of showed up, and I hadn't wanted to run him off with Tyler watching. Then they were having so much fun together. Being thirty-four weeks pregnant had been taking its toll

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