A Love Forbidden
could see not to carry out this summons but decided it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to Jack. It was also none of anyone’s business.
    From a distance now, he noted two women awaiting him outside the Agency office. Both were bundled up against the cold; though the day was sunny once again, it was still a bit crisp. A dun-colored horse stood tied to the hitching post nearby, an overstuffed set of saddlebags tied behind the saddle.
    Captain Jack, apparently not without his own reasons to make the trip today as difficult as possible for Shiloh, had directed him to bring her back to their camp where Coal Creek flowed into the White River, a good two hours’ ride east of here. Jesse was well aware of Jack’s feelings about Meeker and his efforts to turn them all into farmers. Was it possibly Jack’s plan to nip Meeker’s new endeavor in the bud by intimidating Shiloh? If so, Jack might well be in for a surprise. That is, if the adult Shiloh Wainwright was anything like the girl had been.
    Be that as it may, Jesse had no intention of making her task any easier either. She’d soon learn that her devious attempt to force him to meet with her, under the guise of needing an escort and interpreter, was doomed to failure. If she thought his earlier refusal to have anything to do with her had been cruelly worded, she was mistaken.
    For her own good, he had to drive his point home today. For his own good too, Jesse reluctantly admitted. And he aimed to do just that, if it was the last thing he ever did.

    “This won’t do,” Shiloh whispered, her pulse beginning to pound crazily. “This won’t do at all.”
    “Of course it will,” Josie muttered from beside her. “In fact, I’d almost call it providential.”
    “Providential?” Shiloh turned from the tall figure riding toward them and glared at her friend. “I hardly think the Lord had anything to do with Jesse Blackwater being chosen as my escort today. But you, on the other hand, did have a hand in this. Didn’t you?”
    Josie pretended to find some bit of lint to brush off her wool coat. “I may have mentioned his name to my father in passing, but in the end, it was Captain Jack’s call.”
    “Tell that to Jesse,” Shiloh said between gritted teeth. “Otherwise, he’s going to assume I orchestrated this.”
    “Rather, I suggest letting him assume what he will.”
    “No.” Shiloh grabbed Josie’s arm. “You tell him. Please!”
    Her friend made a cautioning sound. “Shush. He’s too close now. He’ll overhear.”
    With an exasperated sigh, Shiloh released Josie’s arm, struggling all the while to regain some semblance of composure. Jesse’s expression, however, as he finally drew up before them, wasn’t at all conducive to maintaining a calm demeanor. Though his face was impassive, the taut line of his lips and glacial glint to his eyes told her more than she ever cared to know.
    “Ladies,” he said by way of greeting, even as his furious gaze never wavered from Shiloh’s.
    “It’s good to see you again,” Josie quickly offered. “I’m so glad Captain Jack decided on you for Shiloh’s escort. You are perfect in so many ways.”
    “Am I?” Jesse’s mouth twisted sardonically. “Well, that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”
    An edge of warning hovered on his words, and Shiloh felt a frisson of unease. What exactly did he mean by that?
    Her chin went up, and she shot him a defiant glare. “I’m sure it’ll all work out for the best. Now,” she said as she walked to the nearby hitching post and untied her horse, “let’s be on our way. I don’t wish to take up more of your valuable time than is absolutely necessary.”
    With that, she moved to the side of her mare, gathered the reins in her left hand, put her foot in the stirrup, and lithely mounted. A moment more and she was firmly settled in the saddle.
    “Well, Mr. Blackwater,” she then said, “shall we be going?”
    “Suits me just fine.” He turned his horse about,

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