A Season of Love

A Season of Love by Amy Clipston

Book: A Season of Love by Amy Clipston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clipston
Tags: Fiction, Amish & Mennonite
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beard, and the wrinkles on his ivory face suggested he had to be close to his eighties.
    “ Wie geht’s , Abner,” Daniel said.
    “Hello,” Lindsay said.
    “ Gut evening,” Abner said. He glanced between Daniel and Lindsay with a confused look in his small brown eyes. “Is everything okay at your farm?” he asked Daniel. His expression turned to worry. “Is Rebecca doing well today?”
    “She’s doing quite well, danki. ” Daniel pointed to the row of four rocking chairs by the porch railing. “May Lindsay and I speak with you for a moment?”
    “Of course.” Abner stepped onto the porch and made a sweeping gesture toward the seating arrangement. “Please have a seat.”
    Lindsay sank into a chair and took a deep breath while meeting the bishop’s curious gaze. She turned toward Daniel, and he nodded with a reassuring expression that told her to begin talking.
    “ Danki for talking with us this evening,” Lindsay began. “I recently went to Virginia to take care of mei aenti Trisha who had broken her beh. ”
    Abner fingered his beard. “ Ya , I’d heard that. How is she?”
    “Better,” Lindsay said. “She’s walking with a special cast now.”
    “That’s gut news,” Abner said. “Praise God.”
    “Ya.” Lindsay cleared her throat. It was time to get to the real purpose of her meeting with the bishop. No more small talk. “Before I left for Virginia Beach, I wasn’t certain where I belonged.”
    “Where you belonged?” The bishop shook his head. “I don’t understand. Do you mean where you’re supposed to live?”
    “Partly that.” Lindsay folded her hands in her lap. “What I mean is, I didn’t know if I should be in the Amish or the English world. Mei schweschder , Jessica, was constantly pressuring me to go back to school and join her at college, but that never felt right to me. However, I wasn’t ready to be baptized either.” She paused to gather her thoughts. “But after spending several weeks back in Virginia Beach, I realized I belong right here.” She looked at her uncle, who smiled. She was thankful he was sitting next to her.
    Abner nodded. “I see. I’m glad God put that in your heart and you listened to Him.”
    “He did put it in my heart, and I heard Him loud and clear.” Lindsay agreed with an emphatic nod. “I’ve come to accept that although mei schweschder and I had the same parents, we’re very different. She’s living a life meant for her, and this life here is meant for me.” She tapped the chair as she spoke.
    “ Gut . That’s very nice to hear.” The bishop glanced at Daniel. “I’m certain you, Rebecca, and the kinner are glad Lindsay is staying.”
    “We are,” Daniel said. “She’s a part of our family, and we love having her with us.”
    “Danki.” Lindsay said. Seeing her uncle’s smile gave her the burst of confidence she needed to continue with what she wanted to say. She looked at Abner. “I want to be baptized with mei freinden. ”
    The bishop’s bushy gray eyebrows flew to his hairline. “Lindsay, you’ve missed too many lessons to make up at this point.”His expression softened. “You can join another class with a neighboring district next year. I’ll speak to the bishop if you’d like me to.”
    She shook her head. “I’d prefer not to wait on this, Bishop. It’s very important to me.”
    “I realize that, but it will still be important to you next year.” He fingered his beard. “It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the class after all of the lessons they’ve had.”
    “Oh, I know that.” She sat up straighter. “I’ll make up all of the lessons.”
    “I know Lindsay will keep her word and make up all of the lessons,” Daniel chimed in. “And I’m certain you remember you helped mei bruder Timothy’s wife, Miriam, make up her lessons and allowed her to be baptized with a class that had begun before she joined them.”
    “Ya , ” Lindsay said. “I’ll do exactly as mei aenti Miriam did. I’ll

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