A Season of Love

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Book: A Season of Love by Amy Clipston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clipston
Tags: Fiction, Amish & Mennonite
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come over and meet with you whenever it’s convenient for you, and I’ll do whatever I need to do. It means that much to me.”
    The bishop paused for a moment with a thoughtful expression. “Why do you want to be baptized, Lindsay?”
    Lindsay glanced at her uncle, and he nodded with another encouraging expression. She then turned back to the bishop. “I want to be baptized so I can live the life I believe God wants me to live. Being Amish is what I’m meant to be.” She thought of her experience volunteering at the nursing home. “While I was staying with my aunt and uncle in Virginia Beach, I volunteered in a nursing heemet on Saturdays as part of a church project. During my time there, I met an Old Order Amish woman from Pennsylvania who’d had a stroke and could only speak Dietsch. Her name was Mrs. Fisher.”
    She pointed to her chest. “I was the only person who could communicate with Mrs. Fisher. She fell and I was there to help her tell the nurses she’d hurt her beh .” Tears filled her eyes.“And I helped her write a letter to her estranged dochder in California before she passed away unexpectedly.”
    “I’m froh you were there to help her, Lindsay,” Abner said with a sympathetic expression. “You were a blessing to her.”
    “Danki.” Lindsay sniffed and swiped her fingers over her tears. “I did what I felt God wanted me to do, and I came to realize my being Amish is the most important part of my life.” She folded her hands as if pleading with the bishop. “Please let me join the current baptism instruction session. It would mean so much to me and mei freinden. ”
    The old man rubbed his beard and looked out past the porch.
    “Please, Bishop Chupp,” she added. “I promise I’ll attend the lessons, and I’ll do my very best to get caught up with the current class. I’ll be ready when the baptism day arrives.”
    Meeting her gaze, compassion glimmered in the bishop’s eyes. “You’re absolutely certain about this, Lindsay?”
    She nodded. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”
    “This is a very serious decision,” he said. “It’s not one to be taken lightly. Once you’ve joined, you’re in for life.”
    “I know,” Lindsay said. “My mom made mei aenti Rebecca our guardian because her heart was still here even years after she left the community to marry my dad. I feel I’m closer to her now that I’m here. That’s not why I want to join the church, but it gives me extra comfort in making this decision. I know in my heart it’s the right time for me to make the commitment to Christ and my community.”
    “Abner,” Daniel began. “Rebecca and I each have talked to Lindsay about this, and we’ve discussed it at length with each other as well.” He placed his hand on Lindsay’s shoulder. “Rebecca and I both feel Lindsay is serious in her commitment to the church. If I didn’t feel this decision was right for her, I wouldn’t be here supporting her and talking to you right now.”
    Lindsay smiled at her uncle. She was so thankful for his words of support.
    Abner was silent for a moment. “Next week we’ll begin your instruction,” he finally said to Lindsay. “Be here next Monday at six.”
    “I will! Danki! ” With her own hands trembling with excitement, Lindsay stood and shook his hand.
    “ Danki , Abner,” Daniel said. He also shook the bishop’s hand. “This means a lot to our family.”
    “Gern gschehne , ” the bishop said.
    He and Daniel made small talk about the weather before Daniel started down the porch steps. “ Danki again, Abner. I appreciate your time with us.”
    “ Danki so much,” Lindsay repeated. She started toward the buggy, her heart pounding with excitement.
    “Gut nacht , ” Abner called after them.
    Lindsay waved to Abner and then continued toward the buggy. She climbed in next to her uncle and smiled at him. “ Danki for bringing me here, Onkel Daniel. And danki for all you said to the bishop. I don’t think I

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