A Thrill to Remember
lightly caress her tormented breasts through the stiff lacy material.
    No more!
    She couldn’t tolerate idly waiting. She had to participate in this exquisite teasing. Palms extended, she reached out for him and found his chest. She hissed in air when her fingertips grazed bare, muscled skin and she realized he’d discarded his shirt. Her fingers sank into the soft tuft of chest hair, and the strangeness of his body heightened the dark fantasies revolving through her head.
    The texture of his skin, the sculpted configuration of his musculature felt alien but oddly right. She and her unfamiliar lover were alone—in the dark, deep forest, in a deserted cabin. Her normally taciturn body had become wickedly willful, silently begging for more mystery, more suspense. She knew neither this man nor her new self that his caresses had unearthed. And she liked the indefiniteness of it all.
    Her hands roamed, learning this different man by the sense of touch. His flesh was damp and hot beneath her palms. The heaviness of his breathing filled her ears, and as she kneaded first his chest and then his shoulders, she felt his fingers work the numerous tiny hooks at the back of her bustier.
    Meggie explored him thoroughly, touching here, there, everywhere.
    She sensed the raw energy pulsing through his pores. He untied the cape from around her neck. She felt the bustier fall apart in the back, experienced the blaze of his hot, wet mouth as he planted it on her sensitive shoulder blade.
    “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked. “To lie with me?”
    He was giving her a way out. She was eternally grateful for his consideration, his kindness in fact heightening her desire for him.
    “I’m sure.”
    “I would hate for you to have regrets.”
    “No regrets. I promise.”
    “What would you like?” he whispered. “I want to please you.”
    “Being with you and playing this game pleases me.”
    “I need more information. I need specifics.”
    “Like what? I’m not sure what you mean.”
    “Where should I touch you? And how? Soft? Hard? Slow? Quick?”
    “Anything.” She moaned softly and arched into the curve of his body. She wished to sample it all. “Everything.”
    “You are an adventuresome woman.”
    “Thanks to you, I am now.”
    She shivered at the wonder of what was happening. An electric power gushed between them, a vital power strong enough to light the whole of Alaska. They needed neither lamp nor torch. Their passion gave them the vision to see each other as they really were.
    Open, vulnerable, ready.
    “Where shall we begin?” he whispered.
    “Kisses. Lots of kisses.”
    “Hmm.” He pulled her onto his lap so that she was facing forward, her bare back flush against his naked chest, her legs astride his leather-clad thighs. “A very good start.”
    And then, for what seemed like an eternity of bliss, he kissed her. Brief, velvety kisses on the back of her neck, over her shoulders, down her spine. She tossed her restless head back and he kissed her jaw, her ear, her throat.
    He shifted her position, turning her around until they faced each other in the darkness. The sizable bulge in his pants grew harder against her silk-covered womanhood as he planted long, moist kisses on her lips, her chin and the hot pulse throbbing at her collarbone.
    Lower and lower he roved, moving her for comfort as he went. First kissing, then licking and at last gently nipping a trail from her neck to her nipples and down her rib cage to her smooth, flat belly. She ended up with her back on the vinyl couch cushion and his taut male body positioned over her, one leg planted on either side of her thighs.
    Meggie groaned. “No fair,” she whispered. “My turn to tease you. What do you like?”
    “Talk dirty to me,” he whispered. “Tell me exactly what you’d like for me to do to you.”
    “Oh, my.” Meggie felt the color drain from her face. She wasn’t sure she could be that boldly uninhibited.
    Dull in bed.

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