Across the Ocean

Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Page A

Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
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know she would appreciate it. It’d also mean a lot to me, after everything between us.
    “Yeah, it should be no problem. We have the room. Do you think that ’s a good idea?” Gunnar smiles and relaxes, as if relieved that I didn’t ask him to murder someone. “Is she hot?” he adds cheekily.
    “Of course she is, and no, you can ’t hit on her. Besides, it’s a brilliant idea.”
    Ari, you sly fox .
    I walk up the driveway to my flat and pull the keys out of my pocket to unlock the front door. Lára lives with me. I have no idea if she’s home now, though.
    I step inside and close the door behind me while I listen for any signs that she’s home. I don’t hear anything, so I head straight for the bedroom to find my laptop. I want to tell Brooke that she can come with us this coming weekend.
    I empty my pockets of my phone, keys, and random crap that always collects in pockets. I set it all on my dresser and sit on the bed. My laptop is already open and waiting for me.
    I look at the screen and see that a web page is pulled up for a university in Scotland. Lára must be looking into going some day. I know she wants to study to become a historian. She hasn’t spoken much about it lately and I haven’t brought it up. Shrugging, I close the tab down.
    Opening up and logging into MSN, I see that Brooke is online. Perfect.
    Present Time
    MSN chat
    marxist: Are you around?
    salemsme: Yeah, I’m just getting ready for bed. What’s up?
    marxist: I was just wondering if you would be interested in going to Tálknafjörður with Lára, me, and a few other guys. We leave on Friday and will be home late Sunday. They have space in their car for you. They’re really good guys. I think you’d like them.
    salemsme: You’d be ok with that? You don’t think it’d be awkward or anything? I wouldn’t be in the way or a third wheel?
    marxist: I think it’d be really great for you to come with us. None of the other stuff really matters. Do you think it’s something YOU can handle?
    salemsme: Yes, I’ll come. Thanks for the invitation. Heading to bed. I’m not sure I’ll ever be completely used to the sun being up all night.
    Will you let me know all the details tomorrow?
    marxist: No problem. Sweet dreams.
    salemsme: You too. :)
    I fist pump into the air with excitement. I am so happy that Brooke is coming with us. I have a shit-eating grin on my face. My brain starts to create scenarios of how the weekend could go and I’m lost to it for a few moments.
    The door to the connecting bathroom suddenly bursts open and startles me. Lára comes out wrapped in a bath towel.
    “What are you smiling so big about?” She asks, with a little smirk of her own. Walking over to the dresser, she fishes around inside a drawer for some panties and cozy clothes.
    “I just saw something funny on the internet .” I have no idea why I lied. It just sort of slipped out. I guess I can’t tell her that I’m excited that a different girl is going to be spending time with us this weekend. Although, maybe I should tell her that Brooke is coming with us.
    “So, um. Brooke is going to Tálknafjörður with us this weekend, I guess.” I try to slide that into the conversation as nonchalantly as I can, so Lára has no reason to be suspicious. She turns to me with an expression on her face I ’ve never seen before.
    “You have got to be kidding me. Why is she coming with us? She ’s a city girl and will hate the countryside. What is she trying to do, steal you out from under my nose?” She scoffs at the idea and rolls her eyes dramatically. “Yeah, right.”
    Her reaction throws me off a bit. From all the interactions between the girls that I ’ve seen so far, I hadn’t suspected that Lára would have any negative feelings toward Brooke.
    I ’ve tried to keep as far away from Brooke when we are around everyone else. It’s actually rather off-putting that she wouldn’t try to

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